matomo-org / plugin-AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement

Help making Matomo better by sending anonymized usage data to the creators the project, and/or to your own Matomo instance and/or to any other Matomo instance
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 12 forks source link

Issue tracking request over HTTPS when Piwik is used over SSL #13

Closed mattab closed 8 years ago

mattab commented 8 years ago

When Piwik server usage is tracked by this plugin, the JS tracking code should issue request over https:// whenever this Piwik is used over SSL.

Currently, it loads over HTTP and browser displays a warning:


tsteur commented 8 years ago

Did you specify https in the URL?

mattab commented 8 years ago

I think I did specify https but not sure.

independently of the scheme used, it should be rewritten to match the current page scheme, ie. forced to https on HTTPS and left "as is found in settings" on http pages

tsteur commented 8 years ago

OK I'll add it as it seems we do same with tracking code generator. I'll also add a note to readme about HTTPS being required under circumstances