matrix-org / synapse

Synapse: Matrix homeserver written in Python/Twisted.
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Ability to disable End-To-End Encryption via Config #4401

Open neilisfragile opened 5 years ago

neilisfragile commented 5 years ago

Description: Originally proposed in vector-im/element-web#4367 - for the case of vector-im/element-web#4367 is was sufficient to address via power level settings. Creating a new issue to track doing this via a config setting.

The original ask:- "I would like the ability to disable end-to-end encryption in my self hosted Synapse instance. I have a legal requirement to provide audit-able chat logs, which is obviously impossible if there's nothing preventing my end-users from encrypting any room they create."

gordon-quad commented 5 years ago

Maybe better approach could be to set default power level settings through config?

Bun-Bun commented 4 years ago

I also would like this option. The way encryption is handles is far too confusing for my users and I do not want to deal with them getting locked out of their messages.

cnvandijk commented 4 years ago

Related: vector-im/element-web#6660.

mlaily commented 4 years ago

This feature is becoming more urgent now that Riot has enabled encryption by default.

I have a home server for family and friends, and I'm glad I can self host a chat server matching commercial instant-messaging in quality, but I really can't justify to them the need for end to end encryption, given the hassle and risk (of losing data) it adds!

IMO, https is largely sufficient for my security needs, given I can trust the server (because I own it).

Bun-Bun commented 4 years ago

I agree with @mlaily. As it stands I am scared to update any of my infrastructure in fear of rooms getting automatically encrypted and my users losing access to business data.

MurzNN commented 4 years ago

What happens if we simply disable m.key.*, and endpoints for local Synapse instance via nginx proxy? This will disable creating keys and E2EE rooms on server, or not? If not, which other endpoints can we block for disable all E2EE stuff?

erikjohnston commented 4 years ago

You can use the spam checker or third party rules plugin modules to disable/filter out events related to encryption, which is probably easier than relying on rules in nginx

MurzNN commented 4 years ago

Thanks for idea, I fill feature request about this in

anilk9096 commented 4 years ago

hi , we had blocker with this . when can we expect this or please suggest any alternative way to disable this .

anilk9096 commented 4 years ago

user are confusing to verify with lot of process

mlaily commented 4 years ago

Same. I don't want to upgrade until e2ee is easier, or until it is possible to make it so clients (Riot) don't try to force me to use it.

anilk9096 commented 4 years ago

Even using old version . Even skipping encryption setup keys first time login for some user getting default enabled encryption why ?

clokep commented 4 years ago

It does not fully solve this, but vector-im/element-web#7639 added a config options for whether new rooms default to E2EE or not. Note that this will be available in the next version of Synapse.

Bun-Bun commented 4 years ago

vector-im/element-web#7639 doesn't fix it at all.

The client can still default/force the room to be encrypted. We need an option to fully disable/block e2ee on the server.

mlaily commented 4 years ago

It does not fully solve this, but vector-im/element-web#7639 added a config options for whether new rooms default to E2EE or not. Note that this will be available in the next version of Synapse.

That's good, but what about not bothering users to setup recovery keys and verifications upon login? (I'm more interested in not bothering clueless users, compared to preventing them from enabling e2ee if they want to)

Bun-Bun commented 4 years ago

It does not fully solve this, but vector-im/element-web#7639 added a config options for whether new rooms default to E2EE or not. Note that this will be available in the next version of Synapse.

That's good, but what about not bothering users to setup recovery keys and verifications upon login? (I'm more interested in not bothering clueless users, compared to preventing them from enabling e2ee if they want to)

That specifically is a client issue, aka Riot. However that ties into the Synapse config variable which the devs completely ignored the option to disable e2ee

richvdh commented 4 years ago

@Bun-Bun complaining in 15 places that we haven't implemented your favourite feature is unlikely to make us consider your request favourably.

As far as I can tell what you are demanding is, which is only tangentially related to most of the PRs you have commented on.

I realise you are frustrated, but that does not excuse your rudeness.

anilk9096 commented 4 years ago

hi clokep. thank you for response. Tried building dev branch code with vector-im/element-web#7639. I thought off will work :) . but it was not use full at all. kindly try to give option to disable encryption in private or direct chat like when creating in group . thank you very much

Bun-Bun commented 4 years ago

@Bun-Bun complaining in 15 places that we haven't implemented your favourite feature is unlikely to make us consider your request favourably.

As far as I can tell what you are demanding is vector-im/riot-web#8067, which is only tangentially related to most of the PRs you have commented on.

I realise you are frustrated, but that does not excuse your rudeness.

I apologize for complaining in the matrix-doc issue and in the Synapse channel. I am not a developer and exactly how PR's and issues are supposed to work is unclear to me.

Please try to understand my frustration. When I first indicated my support for the option to disable/block e2ee it was more a want as at that time I was satisfied with the workaround patch to as discussed here However that changed when riot-web defaulted to encryption on, which given the way regular users work is effectively forcing encryption on. As indicated in that change broke the workaround as it prevented direct chats from even being created. I see another user figured out an additional patch to workaround it again however that doesn't change the larger issue. The concept of default on e2ee is breaking for admins of homeservers like mine where company policy or legal obligations dictate that all data be auditable. Further on that point e2ee is complicated and confusing for regular users and can very easily lead to employees being locked out of business data with no way for the server admin to correct it.

At that time I raised the concern here and had discussion with t3chguy as well as in the various support rooms on t3chguy (a riot dev?) raised a very good point and I 100% agree with him. The switch controlling e2ee behavior needs to be on the server side so that the behavior is enforced at the homeserver level and clients can be configured appropriately. After further discussions the general consensus was this is a option that should exist but it really involves the matrix spec and I was pointed to that repository. I created an issue there and revised it to add options for other use cases that other users raised concerns over. It appears to me and other users that the issue I created has gone completely unnoticed and/or not considered. In my opinion and were directly related, as they are adding the option to control e2ee behavior, much to how I described the options in my matrix-doc issue, and were the perfect opportunity to explore and add this option to the synapse server. Which is why I asked there why the disable option was not considered.

Then I joined the synapse channel and asked how we can get this issue escalated and yes that conversation quickly degraded and after the link to the contact page I left as nothing productive was happening in that conversation.

Now faced with riot dev's telling me it's a synapse/spec issue and the spec guys saying there isn't any resources to do anything about it and synapse guys pointing it to be strictly a client issue I can't help but feel everyone is just passing the buck and I'm in that annoying support phone call loop of being transferred from department to department with no resolution. One thing I did get out of the synapse conversation is this was done which is a great step in the right direction and I started exploring it's discussions. Even though the riot guys (or maybe only t3chguy?) think this is a server side issue they are the only ones discussing this or at least the riot repository is the only place I've seen said discussion. Specifically this post which led me to the related PR and issue which had great work done on not only adding a config switch but how that change impacts the UI and how the user experience is affected. In my opinion disabling e2ee again is directly related as it has the same considerations with UI and user experience as well fits in with that .well-known config switch. Should it be handled at the homeserver level? Yes absolutely but the only place that any devs seem to be discussing these issues is on the riot repository hence why I asked the question there. I think at least for short term viability a riot-web config will help admin/users and spur further discussion to implement it properly.

I wish more than anything I had the capability and capacity to contribute directly to the development of these projects, but I am not a developer and I have my own team to manage. My use-case is for business and now that I know about I do plan to reach out and learn more about how I can support these projects and sponsor the features I and others need. These issues date back more than a year with no indication of any progress or consideration other than the mentioned riot-web issue/pr. That said, do you understand how frustrating it is from an admin/user perspective to have these independent yet closely intertwined projects pass the buck and have questions about how to escalate issues result in arguments about semantics? I am not demanding (especially since that is on the riot-web repository but it should be added to synapse) but rather asking how do I get this issue to the attention of the appropriate people? How can I help as a non developer?

mlaily commented 4 years ago

Hum. That was a long rant. :)

The hard truth is that this is a free and open source project and the devs don't owe us users anything.

I wish the issues I care about (this one in particular) would be assigned more importance and priority, but ultimately, this is a free an open source project, and even if it is frustrating, I think we should understand that if our priorities don't match the devs' ones, this might not be the best project for us to use. (Unfortunately for me and maybe you, this project is still the closest to my list of prerogatives for a self hosted IM...)

Bun-Bun commented 4 years ago

Yes I understand that, which is why I am going to explore supporting the project through I didn't know that was an option before.

From my perspective it seems this issue hasn't gone through the proper channels and is sitting in limbo which is why directly related issues/pr's got processed without even considering this one. But maybe I'm wrong and there actually is intense discussion around this behind the scenes. All I am trying to do is figure out how can we get this where it needs to go, pissing off dev's is not my intention. That is why I am asking how can I help. What does this need?

EDIT: And to your point about other projects, yes Matrix is the clear winner and only project in my opinion that has a good future. Which is why I want it to succeed. I hate that the answer is always Slack or Discord since all the other open projects are either too complex, have crap all for client support (and thus poor user adoption) or don't support modern features that users want.

Personally I would be fine sticking to IRC but most people don't agree with me. And I get it.

chaosgrid commented 4 years ago

I want to add to the frustration of Bun-Bun another real world example of our org. I think the want for this feature is a spectacular failure of end-to-end encryption implementation in the current Element clients coupled with the frustrating decision to enable e2e by default for direct messages in its current form.

So here is the deal: I would have no issue with this if our users could be using e2e with minimal hassle, but as it stands I'd like the option to completely disable and hide it from the Element UI. Why cant it be as simple that you have one extra pin, which may be a 4-digit pin and not some 12+ character passphrase - like Signal on Android is doing it? Why is key-backup and cross-signing two different things? While I may understand these things as a computer science guy, average users cannot - hence the need for this feature to completely disable it for the time being.

I think e2e needs a major overhaul from a UX perspective and while it got better in the last updates, it should not be forced on users as it is now because this simply leads to lost messages and broken user accounts - and then users get discouraged from using e2e ever again - the worst case.

menturion commented 4 years ago

+1 Ideally, E2EE should run completely in the background, without any required user interaction with a single modifiable passphrase for logon authentication and E2EE.

Bun-Bun commented 4 years ago

@chaosgrid I agree 100%

Though I would like to stress that for this particular issue that a server option is needed regardless of whatever improvements are made to e2ee as mine and many others company policy requires that information remain audit-able and e2ee breaks that. A way to disable e2ee that is supported without requiring ugly hacks is needed.

Programmierus commented 3 years ago

My users can barely remember their passwords, reset requests coming after each vacation.

Default E2E is a serious concern... An additional passphrase to store (!) somewhere makes it almost guaranteed my users would lose their chat history regularly.

I am now thinking about pre-generating keys via API for each of my users and storing their recovery keys centrally, serving them by demand via intranet web-site... It kills the idea of E2E to some extent but seems to be the only solution for corporate users until this gets fixed. Maybe an idea for matrix-corporal by @spantaleev ...

jamesorose commented 3 years ago

+1 for this. I'd love to deploy matrix to my clients, but the regulatory issues with not having chat logs, and the key management issues is a show stopper.

Is the holdup on this feature funding? Is there a bounty/kickstarter or something for this, or does this request conflict so severely with the design goals of the project that it will never be implemented? If the latter, please let us know so we can look for other possible solutions.

Otherwise this is excellent! Thanks!

fagaillard commented 3 years ago

Not very well documented, but you can "partially" disable it, at least as a default for new rooms in the client UI : in the .well-known/matrix/client add this : "im.vector.riot.e2ee": {"default": false}}

I'm doing it on the nginx front proxy :

location /.well-known/matrix/client {
   return 200 '{"m.homeserver": {"base_url": ""}, "im.vector.riot.e2ee": {"default": false}}';
   add_header Content-Type application/json;
   add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;

But yes, we would need a way to disable it globally on the server side.

mlaily commented 3 years ago

"im.vector.riot.e2ee": {"default": false}}

It has since changed name, and should be io.element.e2ee instead.

spantaleev commented 3 years ago

The newly-released matrix-corporal 2.0.0 can prevent local users from creating E2EE rooms.

The inverse is also true - if you'd like to enforce that all rooms have E2EE enabled, you can do that too.

This only applies to locally-created rooms. Local users can still join rooms over federation. Those rooms can be E2EE encrypted or not. We can't control it. But you can disable federation, or use matrix-corporal's new event hook system to prevent joining foreign rooms.

I think Element's UI can be improved for /createRoom rejections though. Right now it shows a generic message (".. server may be overloaded, blah blah") even though we reply with errcode = M_FORBIDDEN and a nice friendly error message. If it were to show that somehow, that'd be better, but ..

marsianer commented 3 years ago

Is there at least an option whereby I can prohibit unencrypted communication globally? I only want to communicate with E2E encryption. Ultimately, Matrix has now the same security issues as XMPP. Before sending a message, you always have to check whether it is encrypted or not. The effort and the security risks are too high for me. Transport encryption is not sufficient.

digitalentity commented 2 years ago

+1 to this feature. It would be awesome for homeservers regulated by law (or corp policy) and also to private servers where all users are trusted to disable E2EE by default and save users and admins a lot of headache.

marsianer commented 2 years ago

I uninstalled Matrix for this reason. I cannot accept unencrypted communications. And because you can disable it, I'm out.

digitalentity commented 2 years ago

I decided not wait until E2EE disabling is implemented and wrote my own plugin to fix this -

Feel free to use if it fits your use-cases.

@marsianer it's also easily modifyable to force-enable the encryption.

marsianer commented 2 years ago

@digitalentity Unfortunately, no. It's not just about my own home server. If I join a server today that has E2E enabled, but disables E2E tomorrow, I don't want to use that server any more.

In my case, the force-enable parameter must be set on the client: The message cannot be sent because the server does not support E2E encryption!

Signal Messenger: All messages are E2E encrypted. Deactivation is not possible!

dklimpel commented 2 years ago

@digitalentity is blocking encrypted events (

It is possible to change it to block all unencrypted events ( on your server.

digitalentity commented 2 years ago

I think @marsianer is trying to say that a server user should have a way to enforce e2ee or get notified whether it's impossible on a particular server/group. This is complementary to a server-side enforcement.

LavTeamProject commented 2 years ago

I decided not wait until E2EE disabling is implemented and wrote my own plugin to fix this -

Feel free to use if it fits your use-cases.

@marsianer it's also easily modifyable to force-enable the encryption.

how to install this plugin?

marsianer commented 1 year ago

@LavTeamProject I do not use Matrix. To be honest, this constant checking whether E2E has been activated or not is too time-consuming for me. As soon as you can deactivate E2E, I'm no longer interested.

demlak commented 1 year ago


this thread is full of people who also want to get rid of annoying "validation popups".. but your kind of communication is annoying, too.

calm down. your rant does not help anyone.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

Another sample here: my friend (I ask them to move from another software and register on my home server)
bought a new phone and factory reset the old one, then he is locked out.

Matrix devs optimized E2EE too good, a user know nothing, read nothing, just click-click-click can also "enjoy the service".
The one havo no knowledge about encryption, he just complaint why chat history is gone.
Says "but I remember the password! I already logged in!"

After some investigation, I find that in the latest clients,
start direct chat will create a new room with encryption enabled.
Most clients provide no option to disable encryption,
nheko have a switch to turn off, but server won't response.

Manually created room without encryption won't treat as direct chat by clients,
therefore some of them have display bug.

So my request is simple, E2EE off direct chat.
Now when I think of my friends,
I start to considering, between Matrix standard, me and my friend,
There must be one or more foolish to end up with this situation.

grantm commented 1 year ago

Since the merge of vector-im/element-web#12618, I have been able to disable end-to-end-encryption on our server by adding this to the homeserver.yaml (in particular "": 999 requires a power level higher than any user has):

      "": 50
      "": 50
      "": 999
      "": 100
      "": 50
      "": 100
      "": 100
      "": 100
    "events_default": 1

Can someone confirm that the requested functionality has now been implemented in vector-im/element-web#12618 and this issue can be closed? Or is there more to it and some other aspect that I'm missing?

EDIT: I'm not sure what happened with the issue links quoted above and how they ended up pointing at the element-web repo. They were meant to pointing to PR 12618 in this repo

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@grantm I can plan a test on my server, currently I use synapse docker image and have no knowledge about compile "nightly code", when will this update upload to docker?

grantm commented 1 year ago

@grantm I can plan a test on my server, currently I use synapse docker image and have no knowledge about compile "nightly code", when will this update upload to docker?

I believe this commit has been included in all releases since v1.60.0

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@grantm I use these steps to update my server

After I can log in to server, I try to start direct message use element Android,
but still result in encrypted room.

On nheko PC client, I can see the "\<room creator> enabled encryption" message.
This message won't appear in rooms created when "disable E2EE module" installed.

Meanwhile, a shield icon appears after the message.
If I log out without backup keys, login again, these message will be unreadable,
clarify they are indeed encrypted message.

Am I missed something?

grantm commented 1 year ago

@mhtvsSFrpHdE - thank you for sanity-testing my earlier comments.

Not sure what happened when I tried to link to the relevant commit in my original comment. This is the link I intended.

Also my sample config had "events_default": 1 when "events_default": 0 would have made more sense.

Having gone back and retested I find that it doesn't work quite as I'd hoped.

If I attempt to create a room in Element with the "Enable end-to-end encryption" option turned off, then the room is created and even a room admin does not have sufficient power to enable encryption, so that option is disabled in the Element UI. This is what I had tested successfully previously.

On the other hand, if I attempt to create a room in Element with the "Enable end-to-end encryption" option turned on, then Element displays an error after the server responds with 403 Forbidden and this response body:

  "error":"You don't have permission to post that to the room. user_level (100) < send_level (999)"

Unfortunately the room does get created before the error condition is encountered. It is not fully initialized however and the overridden power levels have not been applied. So the room admin can go into room settings to complete the remaining steps of configuring the room, including enabling encryption.

A second failure mode is if you open a direct chat with another user and send the first message to create the room, then the power level overrides don't get applied, so you can enable encryption via room settings (depending on server config it may have been enabled by default).

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago


We have a case called "Non-standard usage".

According to collected information, start direct chat is assumed to force E2EE enabled,
therefore, clients like nheko or element Android can't perfectly handle non-E2EE direct chat.

You will start direct chat on element Android, it will prompt encryption is enabled anyway,
ignore this and send your first message, the app will hang for a while,
later will say failed to send message, but invite is actually sent,
just ignore this, back to main interface, and ask your friend to accept the invite.
During your waiting, do not send the message again, or delete the failed message,
or leave created empty room.

Once the friend joins room, click on room to open chat interface,
every function will work as intended, and you have a direct chat without encryption.
If you have manually created 2 user non encrypted room with same user before, leave the room,
(these room won't be recognized as direct chat on nheko)
otherwise, you can't use function like change display name in room locally like
/myroomnick <display-name> on element Android.

This information above is based on experiments and statistics,
I have zero knowledge about how code is actually run and what happened on the server.

E2EE module's implementation may more aggressive to block certain type of request completely other than just default level...?

If any progress on this topic, send me the steps to execute at any time

Mogaba commented 1 year ago

So 4,5 years have passed and it's still an issue. I don't understand: is it so difficult to add an option to completely disable encryption? Or there's another reason?

dklimpel commented 1 year ago

So 4,5 years have passed and it's still an issue. I don't understand: is it so difficult to add an option to completely disable encryption? Or there's another reason?

IMHO this is Open Source. If it is needed PR and contributions are welcome. Alternatively, it can certainly be sponsored financially.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@grantm Hi, my docker command is not updating my server, so I'm still using 1.75.0

This can take a while.

To properly update a docker container instance:


sudo docker stop synapse
sudo docker rm synapse
sudo docker run -d --name synapse --mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data -p 8008:8008 -p 8448:8448 matrixdotorg/synapse:latest

The last command will create and start synapse, but won't delete exist data.
8008 and 8448 is port configuration.

mhtvsSFrpHdE commented 1 year ago

@grantm By updating to synapse server 1.84.0 and use Element Android 1.5.32,
Remove disable E2EE module, append to config,
if try start direct chat, Element Android will say, "Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages."

The whole invite process no longer hang or fail, GUI logo assume this is an encrypted room,
all messages are still encrypted (with shield icon) and no longer readable if sign out without backup keys.