The code and data in this pull are my translation of Matrix Profile IX MDMS from Matlab/Octave and the paper to R. I think it is working nearly properly. It is in no way optimized, there for currently slow for modest 50K ts lengths, which I realize does not reflect the current development imperative. I submit for your considered review as who would know this material better and advise me of necessary changes. Data *_1K are length 1000, otherwise length 50002.
Thank you for your time and attention.
The code and data in this pull are my translation of Matrix Profile IX MDMS from Matlab/Octave and the paper to R. I think it is working nearly properly. It is in no way optimized, there for currently slow for modest 50K ts lengths, which I realize does not reflect the current development imperative. I submit for your considered review as who would know this material better and advise me of necessary changes. Data *_1K are length 1000, otherwise length 50002. Thank you for your time and attention. Chris