Closed vsedov closed 9 months ago
Ive gone through the code base, and the gwo algo seems alright to me, i couldnt find any issues there; hence my confusion as to why this might be occurring
Hello @vsedov , can you please provide the code you are trying to implement, with some more details about the possible issue you are facing?
Thanks for getting back to me;
For ackley, im currently working on GWO; and working on modifying it; Just to see the average baseline of gwo i wanted to see what it would look like for
population = 50
dimension = 30
position_min = -15
position_max = 30
generation = 500
fitness_error = 1e-18```Following settings; i noticed you updated your code base, but the key factor here is dimensions being 30.
I did this to compare as i had some suspicion that my current results were not of what i was expecting.
import math
import random
import numpy as np
def vec(dim):
return [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
class FitnessModel:
fitness_function : Target Model (unimodal, multimodal, fix_dim_multimodal or composite)
_range : Range of fitness function
def __init__(self, fitness_function, _range):
self.eval = fitness_function
self.xmin = _range[0]
self.xmax = _range[1]
class Wolf:
fitness : FitnessModel object function to evaluate fitness
dim : dimension of the wolf position vector
def __init__(self, fitness, dim, seed):
# self.rnd = random.Random(seed)
self.rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed)
self.position = vec(dim)
for i in range(dim):
self.position[i] = (
fitness.xmax - fitness.xmin
) * self.rnd.random() + fitness.xmin = fitness.eval(self.position)
class GWO:
fitness : fitness model
max_iter: maximum number of iteration
N : number of wolves/search agents.
dim : dimension of the position vector
def __init__(self, fitness, max_iter, N, dim, seed): = fitness
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.num_wolves = N
self.dim = dim
self.rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed)
self.X = [Wolf(fitness, dim, i) for i in range(num_wolves)]
self.alpha, self.beta,, * = self.sortAgents()
self.a = 2
def sortAgents(self):
self.X = sorted(self.X, key=lambda wolf:
return self.X
def init_vec_A(self):
# A = vec(3)
# for i in range(3):
# # A[i] = self.a * (2 * self.rnd.random() - 1)
# A[i] = self.a * (2 * np.random.random(3) -1)
# return A
return self.a * (2 * np.random.random(3) - 1)
def init_vec_C(self):
C = vec(3)
for i in range(3):
C[i] = 2 * self.rnd.random()
return C
def optimize(self):
t = 0
while t < self.max_iter:
# print(
# "Iter = "
# + str(t)
# + " alpha position = "
# + str(self.alpha.position)
# # + " alpha fitness = "
# )
a = 2 * (1 - t / self.max_iter)
for i in range(self.num_wolves):
A1, A2, A3 = self.init_vec_A()
C1, C2, C3 = self.init_vec_C()
D_alpha = vec(self.dim)
D_beta = vec(self.dim)
D_delta = vec(self.dim)
for j in range(self.dim):
D_alpha[j] = np.abs(
C1 * self.alpha.position[j] - self.X[i].position[j]
D_beta[j] = np.abs(
C2 * self.beta.position[j] - self.X[i].position[j]
D_delta[j] = np.abs(
C3 *[j] - self.X[i].position[j]
X1 = vec(self.dim)
X2 = vec(self.dim)
X3 = vec(self.dim)
for j in range(self.dim):
X1[j] = self.alpha.position[j] - A1 * D_alpha[j]
X2[j] = self.beta.position[j] - A2 * D_beta[j]
X3[j] =[j] - A3 * D_delta[j]
Xnew = vec(self.dim)
for j in range(self.dim):
Xnew[j] = (X1[j] + X2[j] + X3[j]) / 3
fnew =
if fnew < self.X[i].fitness:
self.X[i].position = Xnew
self.X[i].fitness = fnew
self.alpha, self.beta,, * = self.sortAgents()
t += 1
return self.alpha.position
def aclkey(x):
A = 20
B = 0.2
C = 2 * np.pi
d = len(x) # Correct handling of dimensionality
return (
-A * np.exp(-B * np.sqrt(sum([xi**2 for xi in x]) / d))
- np.exp(sum([np.cos(C * xi) for xi in x]) / d)
+ A
+ np.exp(1)
""" ----------------------------------------------------------- """
runs = []
dim = 30
fitness = FitnessModel(fitness_function=aclkey, _range=[-15, 30])
num_wolves = 50
max_iter = 500
print("num_wolves = " + str(num_wolves))
print("max_iter = " + str(max_iter))
print("\nStarting GWO algorithm\n")
optimiser = GWO(fitness, max_iter, num_wolves, dim, 0)
optimum_position = optimiser.optimize()
print("\nGWO completed\n")
print("\nBest solution found:")
print([optimum_position[k] for k in range(dim)])
err = fitness.eval(optimum_position)
print("fitness of best solution => ", err)
I was expecting somewhere around 5.28E-12 to -15 right as a baseline.
With Dimensions of 30
There is a potential chance im doing something wrong; i also tested this idea on the following code too
import copy # array-copying convenience
import math # cos() for Rastrigin
import random
import sys # max float
# -------fitness functions---------
# rastrigin function
def fitness_rastrigin(position):
fitness_value = 0.0
for i in range(len(position)):
xi = position[i]
fitness_value += (xi * xi) - (10 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * xi)) + 10
return fitness_value
# sphere function
def fitness_sphere(position):
fitness_value = 0.0
for i in range(len(position)):
xi = position[i]
fitness_value += xi * xi
return fitness_value
# -------------------------
# wolf class
class wolf:
def __init__(self, fitness, dim, minx, maxx, seed):
self.rnd = random.Random(seed)
self.position = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
for i in range(dim):
self.position[i] = (maxx - minx) * self.rnd.random() + minx = fitness(self.position) # curr fitness
def gwo(fitness, max_iter, n, dim, minx, maxx):
rnd = random.Random(0)
# create n random wolves
population = [wolf(fitness, dim, minx, maxx, i) for i in range(n)]
# On the basis of fitness values of wolves
# sort the population in asc order
population = sorted(population, key=lambda temp:
# best 3 solutions will be called as
# alpha, beta and gaama
alpha_wolf, beta_wolf, gamma_wolf = copy.copy(population[:3])
# main loop of gwo
Iter = 0
while Iter < max_iter:
# after every 10 iterations
# print iteration number and best fitness value so far
if Iter % 10 == 0 and Iter > 1:
"Iter = "
+ str(Iter)
+ " best fitness = %.3f" %
# linearly decreased from 2 to 0
a = 2 * (1 - Iter / max_iter)
# updating each population member with the help of best three members
for i in range(n):
A1, A2, A3 = (
a * (2 * rnd.random() - 1),
a * (2 * rnd.random() - 1),
a * (2 * rnd.random() - 1),
C1, C2, C3 = (
2 * rnd.random(),
2 * rnd.random(),
2 * rnd.random(),
X1 = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
X2 = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
X3 = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
Xnew = [0.0 for i in range(dim)]
for j in range(dim):
X1[j] = alpha_wolf.position[j] - A1 * abs(
C1 * alpha_wolf.position[j] - population[i].position[j]
X2[j] = beta_wolf.position[j] - A2 * abs(
C2 * beta_wolf.position[j] - population[i].position[j]
X3[j] = gamma_wolf.position[j] - A3 * abs(
C3 * gamma_wolf.position[j] - population[i].position[j]
Xnew[j] += X1[j] + X2[j] + X3[j]
for j in range(dim):
Xnew[j] /= 3.0
# fitness calculation of new solution
fnew = fitness(Xnew)
# greedy selection
if fnew < population[i].fitness:
population[i].position = Xnew
population[i].fitness = fnew
# On the basis of fitness values of wolves
# sort the population in asc order
population = sorted(population, key=lambda temp:
# best 3 solutions will be called as
# alpha, beta and gaama
alpha_wolf, beta_wolf, gamma_wolf = copy.copy(population[:3])
Iter += 1
# end-while
# returning the best solution
return alpha_wolf.position
# ----------------------------
# Driver code for rastrigin function
print("\nBegin grey wolf optimization on rastrigin function\n")
dim = 30
def ackley(x):
a = 20
b = 0.2
c = 2 * math.pi
s1 = sum([i**2 for i in x])
s2 = sum([math.cos(c * i) for i in x])
return (
-a * math.exp(-b * math.sqrt(s1 / len(x)))
- math.exp(s2 / len(x))
+ a
+ math.exp(1)
fitness = ackley
num_particles = 50
max_iter = 500
print("Setting num_particles = " + str(num_particles))
print("Setting max_iter = " + str(max_iter))
print("\nStarting GWO algorithm\n")
best_position = gwo(fitness, max_iter, num_particles, dim, -15.0, 30.0)
print("\nGWO completed\n")
print("\nBest solution found:")
print([best_position[k] for k in range(dim)])
err = fitness(best_position)
print("fitness of best solution =", err)
print("\nEnd GWO for rastrigin\n")
import math
import random
import numpy as np
class GreyWolf:
def __init__(self, position, fitness):
self.position = np.array(position) = fitness
class GreyWolfOptimization:
def __init__(self, fitness_function, config=None, debug=False):
self.fitness_function = fitness_function
self.config = config
self.debug = debug
self.population = []
self.alpha_wolf = None
self.beta_wolf = None
self.delta_wolf = None
def initialize_wolves(self):
for _ in range(self.config.N):
position = np.random.uniform(
fitness = self.fitness_function(position)
wolf = GreyWolf(position, fitness)
def update_leading_wolves(self):
self.population.sort(key=lambda wolf:
self.alpha_wolf, self.beta_wolf, self.delta_wolf = self.population[:3]
def evolve(self):
a = 2 - self.current_cycle * (
2 / self.config.max_cycles
) # Decrease linearly from 2 to 0
for wolf in self.population:
for i in range(self.config.dim):
A1, A2, A3 = (
2 * a * np.random.rand(3) - a
) # Coefficients for alpha, beta, and delta
C1, C2, C3 = 2 * np.random.rand(3)
D_alpha = np.abs(
C1 * self.alpha_wolf.position[i] - wolf.position[i]
D_beta = np.abs(
C2 * self.beta_wolf.position[i] - wolf.position[i]
D_delta = np.abs(
C3 * self.delta_wolf.position[i] - wolf.position[i]
X1 = self.alpha_wolf.position[i] - A1 * D_alpha
X2 = self.beta_wolf.position[i] - A2 * D_beta
X3 = self.delta_wolf.position[i] - A3 * D_delta
wolf.position[i] = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3 = self.fitness_function(wolf.position)
def optimize(self):
self.current_cycle = 0
if self.debug:
print("Starting GWO algorithm")
print(f"Number of wolves (N): {self.config.N}")
print(f"Dimension (dim): {self.config.dim}")
print(f"Max cycles (iterations): {self.config.max_cycles}")
f"Search space bounds: {self.config.lower_bound} to {self.config.upper_bound}\n"
print("Starting optimization with GWO...")
while self.current_cycle < self.config.max_cycles:
self.current_cycle += 1
if self.debug:
f"Cycle: {self.current_cycle}, Alpha Fitness: {}"
if self.debug:
print("\nGWO completed")
print("Best solution found:", self.alpha_wolf.position)
print("Fitness of the best solution:",
return self.alpha_wolf.position,
# Definition of the Ackley function
def ackley_function(x):
A = 20
B = 0.2
C = 2 * np.pi
d = len(x) # Correct handling of dimensionality
return (
-A * np.exp(-B * np.sqrt(sum([xi**2 for xi in x]) / d))
- np.exp(sum([np.cos(C * xi) for xi in x]) / d)
+ A
+ np.exp(1)
class GreyWolfOptimizationConfig:
def __init__(
self.N = N # Number of wolves
self.dim = dim # Dimension of the problem
self.max_cycles = max_cycles # Number of iterations
self.lower_bound = lower_bound # Lower bound of the search space
self.upper_bound = upper_bound # Upper bound of the search space
config = GreyWolfOptimizationConfig(
# dim=30, max_cycles=500, lower_bound=-15, upper_bound=30,
gwo = GreyWolfOptimization(
fitness_function=ackley_function, config=config, debug=True
best_position, best_fitness = gwo.optimize()
# Print best solution found
# print(f"Best Position: {best_position}")
for i in range(len(best_position)):
print(f"x{i} = {best_position[i]}")
print(f"Best Fitness: {best_fitness}")
As for what i was doing with the current code base with pyevo :
from demos.functions.ackley import (
from pyvolutionary import GreyWolfOptimization, GreyWolfOptimizationConfig
from pyvolutionary.utils import animate
configuration = GreyWolfOptimizationConfig(
optimization_result = GreyWolfOptimization(configuration, True).optimize(task)
import numpy as np
from pyvolutionary import Task, ContinuousVariable
class Ackley(Task):
def objective_function(self, x: list[float]) -> float:
A = 20
B = 0.2
C = 2 * np.pi
return -A * np.exp(-B * np.sqrt(sum([xi ** 2 for xi in x]) / dimension)) - np.exp(
sum([np.cos(C * xi) for xi in x]) / dimension
) + A + np.exp(1)
population =30
dimension = 30
position_min = -15.0
position_max = 30.0
generation = 500
task = Ackley(
name=f"x{i}", lower_bound=position_min, upper_bound=position_max
) for i in range(dimension)],
name = "ackley"
Fitness error was removed as i had modified the code to where i wanted to run the full iterations.
I also noticed that you had changed the code base, so will need to see if i can replicate similar results somehow.
I suspect its just something to do with how ever the hell im defining the dims;
Just in case, how would we be able to set dimensions right now ? if say i wanted to have a test function with 30 dim on ackley for example.
that being said, thanks once again for getting back to me and also great work on this project, really impressive. Il mess around a bit more as im almost certain im being stupid here but thought id ask just in case. Il also try messing around with opfunu perhaps as well. If you have any idea what im doing wrong please do let me know, would be great to know.
Guess im just confused why i cant seem to replicate results or even near to it.
Thanks once again
Hello, I see a lot of code you implemented by yourself. I will be happy to help you with the code using pyVolutionary and not working. Can you please provide that code only?
Yeah so the code i gave is just some test / benchmarks i was trying to replicate with pyVolutionary if that makes sense, running those code bases; all provided similar results.
What i have right now with pyVolutionary is the following:
import numpy as np
from pyvolutionary import ContinuousMultiVariable, Task
class Ackley(Task):
def objective_function(self, x: list[float]) -> float:
A = 20
B = 0.2
C = 2 * np.pi
dimension = len(x)
return (
-A * np.exp(-B * np.sqrt(sum([xi**2 for xi in x]) / dimension))
- np.exp(sum([np.cos(C * xi) for xi in x]) / dimension)
+ A
+ np.exp(1)
population = 100
generation = 500
fitness_error = 1e-100
task = Ackley(
lower_bounds=[-15] * 30,
upper_bounds=[30] * 30,
name = "ackley"
from demos.functions.ackley import generation, name, population, task
from pyvolutionary import GreyWolfOptimization, GreyWolfOptimizationConfig
from pyvolutionary.utils import animate
configuration = GreyWolfOptimizationConfig(
data = GreyWolfOptimization(configuration, True).optimize(task)
Pretty much stemming from the demo .
My current implementation; With all my wolves is the following: This is something i just modified, and the implmentation used in the previous examples too, and somethign i double checked with the paper as well.
def optimization_step(self):
def evolve(wolf: GreyWolf) -> GreyWolf:
pos = np.array(wolf.position)
# linearly decreased from 2 to 0
################ FIX
a = 2 * (1 - self._current_cycle / self._config.max_cycles)
a1, a2, a3 = (a * (2 * np.random.random(3) - 1)).tolist()
c1, c2, c3 = (2 * np.random.random(3)).tolist()
################ FIX
x1 = np.array(self.__alpha_wolf.position) - a1 * np.abs(
c1 * np.array(self.__alpha_wolf.position) - pos
x2 = np.array(self.__beta_wolf.position) - a2 * np.abs(
c2 * np.array(self.__beta_wolf.position) - pos
x3 = np.array(self.__gamma_wolf.position) - a3 * np.abs(
c3 * np.array(self.__gamma_wolf.position) - pos
# greedy selection
return self._greedy_select_agent(
GreyWolf(**self._init_agent((x1 + x2 + x3) / 3).model_dump()),
# updating each population member with the help of best three members
self._population = [evolve(wolf) for wolf in self._population]
# best 3 solutions will be called as alpha, beta and gaama
self.__alpha_wolf, self.__beta_wolf, self.__gamma_wolf = best_agents(
self._population, 3
Could you please verify with your current implementation of grey wolf and the current modification i made is correct?
just to be sure. I beleive there is an error in teh grey wolf optimisation_step function.
Original Function :
def optimization_step(self):
def evolve(wolf: GreyWolf) -> GreyWolf:
pos = np.array(wolf.position)
x1 = np.array(self.__alpha_wolf.position) - a1 * np.abs(
c1 * np.array(self.__alpha_wolf.position) - pos
x2 = np.array(self.__beta_wolf.position) - a2 * np.abs(
c2 * np.array(self.__beta_wolf.position) - pos
x3 = np.array(self.__gamma_wolf.position) - a3 * np.abs(
c3 * np.array(self.__gamma_wolf.position) - pos
# greedy selection
return self._greedy_select_agent(
GreyWolf(**self._init_agent((x1 + x2 + x3) / 3).model_dump()),
################ Original
# linearly decreased from 2 to 0
a = 2 * (1 - self._current_cycle / self._config.max_cycles)
a1, a2, a3 = (a * (2 * np.random.random(3) - 1)).tolist()
c1, c2, c3 = (2 * np.random.random(3)).tolist()
################ Original
# updating each population member with the help of best three members
self._population = [evolve(wolf) for wolf in self._population]
# best 3 solutions will be called as alpha, beta and gaama
self.__alpha_wolf, self.__beta_wolf, self.__gamma_wolf = best_agents(
self._population, 3
Hope this helps; but after changing that, the issue resolved it self and i was getting the results i needed.
It seems your current implementation the coeficients are calculated once per optimisation the for the entire population, while the modified one i just showed is for each wolf, which i think is the correct implementation. Would you mind verifying this for me ?
And just in case, you know when defining dimensions for functions with pyVolutionary What would be a good way of going about it ?
So with the modified version, im getting the expected results;
Maximum number of cycles reached 0.999999999999996 best_solution.cost 3.9968028886505635e-15
0.5286819064805379 0.8914965459231436
compared to the original grey wolf algo without any modifications.
@vsedov this is the code I tested (from yours):
from demos.functions.ackley import generation, population, task
from pyvolutionary import GreyWolfOptimization, GreyWolfOptimizationConfig
configuration = GreyWolfOptimizationConfig(
data = GreyWolfOptimization(configuration, True).optimize(task)
Here are the results I obtain
Obviously, they can change according to the initialization. If you run the optimization different times, you can see different results: it is due to the initial randomization of the agents. This is why these algorithms are called "meta-heuristic". They are able to provide sub-optimal results (i.e., results close to the exact one with an error below an acceptable threshold) in a reasonable time and a reasonable computational load. By the way, I see your proposal and I see that the randomization of a1, a2, a3, c1, c2, c3 parameters could be stressed for each iteration and for each agent, rather than for each iteration only. But the latter is the way reported by the original paper:
If you want to contribute to pyVolutionary
, could you please propose a PR, so that I can check and evaluate your improvements? The analysis of a PR is easier and faster.
N.B. Side note: in case of usage of meta-heuristic algorithms, I always suggest to run different trials and make a sort of mathematical mean of the optimizer's performances. That's why I also provide the Multitask
helper in my pyVolutionary.
@matteocacciola Thanks for letting me know; just to be sure il go ahead and check the original implementation, and will create a pr if needed as after double checking my self i think you are correct there.
And also thanks for letting me know about the multitask, will be using that more from now on. Guess i was really stressed out from the results i was obtaining for a while, but yeah, il go ahead and see if there was a mistake put on my end.
Im rather new to optimisation so forgive me if i sound confused. But ive been trying out gwo with ackley function
population = 50 dimension = 30 position_min = -15 position_max = 30 generation = 500 fitness_error = 1e-18
Issue is, running on all other grey wolf algos ive tested i average around
Starting GWO algorithm Number of wolves (N): 50 Dimension (dim): 30 Max cycles (iterations): 500 Search space bounds: -15 to 30
7.549516567451064e-15 For best Fitness.
-15 or -16, while this variation, i can barely get -02.