matthewpizza / kirby-twig-plugin

Mostly dead
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link

Twig Plugin for Kirby CMS

A simple plugin to use the Twig template engine with Kirby.

:warning: This plugin no longer supports Kirby 1. To use it, specify 1.1.2 as the version when requiring.

:warning: This plugin requires at least Kirby 2.0.5.


Use Composer to install this plugin into the site plugins directory.

To use this plugin in a project, define the repository and require it.

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "matthewspencer/kirby-twig-plugin": "2.0.5",
        "composer/installers": "~1.0"
    "extra": {
        "installer-paths": {
            "site/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:kirby-plugin"]
    "minimum-stability": "dev"


Set roots for vendor and twig, and the file extension for twig views in config.php.

kirby()->roots->vendor = dirname( kirby()->roots()->site() ) . '/vendor';
kirby()->roots->twig = kirby()->roots()->site() . '/twig';
c::set( 'twig.file.extension', 'twig' );


The template files in the Kirby templates directory handle passing the data to the appropriate Twig template. The following is an example of the default.php template.

// use twig template name based on php template name
$template = $page->template() . '.' . c::get('twig.file.extension');

// pass an array of data to the twig template
echo $twig->render(
        'site' => $site,
        'page' => array(
            'title' => $page->title,
            'template' => $page->template(),
            'text' => kirbytext($page->text()),

The above PHP passes data to a default.twig in the twig directory that was set in the config.

{% extends "base.twig" %}

{% block content %}

<section class="content">
        <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
        {{ page.text }}

{% endblock %}