matthewwall / weewx-influx

uploader for influxdb
GNU General Public License v3.0
45 stars 22 forks source link

influx - weewx extension that sends data to an influx data server Copyright 2016-2021 Matthew Wall Distributed under terms of the GPLv3

=============================================================================== Installation

1) download

wget -O

2) run the installer:

wee_extension --install

3) enter parameters in weewx.conf:

[StdRESTful] [[Influx]] host = HOSTNAME database = DATABASE

4) restart weewx:

sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start

=============================================================================== Configuration

A minimal configuration requires only a host and database.

Use host and port, or server_url to specify the influx server.

A username and password are required if authentication is enabled on the influx server.

When it starts up, this extension will attempt to create the influx database. If credentials for a database administrator were provided, it will use those credentials. Otherwise, it will use the username/password credentials.

Here is a complete enumeration of options. Specify only those that you need.

[StdRESTful] [[Influx]] database = DATABASE port = 8086 host = # specify host OR server_url server_url = # specify server_url OR host username = USERNAME password = PASSWORD dbadmin_username = DATABASE_ADMINISTRATOR_USERNAME dbadmin_password = DATABASE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD binding = (loop | archive) # default is archive measurement = label # default is record tags = station=A,field=C # optional line_format = (multi-line | single-line) # default is single-line obs_to_upload = (all | most | none) # default is most append_units_label = (True | False) # default is true unit_system = (US | METRIC | METRICWX) # default is database system augment_record = (True | False) # default is true [[[inputs]]] # optional [[[[observation1]]]] units = degree_F # optional for each obs name = label # optional for each obs format = %.2f # optional for each obs [[[[observation2]]]] units = degree_F # optional for each obs name = label # optional for each obs format = %.2f # optional for each obs

=============================================================================== Line formats

Influx defines two line formats, multi-line and single-line. This extension defines the following formats: single-line, multi-line, and multi-line-dotted. These correspond to the influx line formats. The 'measurement' parameter is used to identify the values sent to influx.

[StdRESTful] [[Influx]] measurement = weewx line_format = multi-line

The single-line format results in the following:

weewx[tags] name0=x,name1=y,name2=z ts

The multi-line format results in the following:

name0[tags] value=x ts name1[tags] value=y ts name2[tags] value=z ts

The multi-line-dotted format results in the following:

weewx.name0[tags] value=x ts weewx.name1[tags] value=x ts weewx.name2[tags] value=x ts

Which format should you use? It depends on how you want the data to end up in influx. For influx, think of measurement name as table, tags as column names, and fields as unindexed columns.

For example, consider these data points:

{'H19': 528, 'VPV': 63.68, 'I': 600, 'H21': 115, 'H20': 19, 'H23': 93, 'H22': 23, 'V': 13.41, 'CS': 5, 'PPV': 9} {'H19': 528, 'VPV': 63.68, 'I': 600, 'H21': 115, 'H20': 19, 'H23': 93, 'H22': 23, 'V': 14.43, 'CS': 5, 'PPV': 9} {'H19': 528, 'VPV': 63.71, 'I': 600, 'H21': 115, 'H20': 19, 'H23': 93, 'H22': 23, 'V': 13.43, 'CS': 5, 'PPV': 9} {'H19': 528, 'VPV': 63.74, 'I': 600, 'H21': 115, 'H20': 19, 'H23': 93, 'H22': 23, 'V': 13.43, 'CS': 5, 'PPV': 9}

A single-line configuration results in this:

select * from value name: value time CS H19 H20 H21 H22 H23 I PPV V VPV binding

1536086335000000000 5 528 19 115 23 93 0.6 9 13.41 63.68 loop
1536086337000000000 5 528 19 115 23 93 0.6 9 13.43 63.68 loop
1536086339000000000 5 528 19 115 23 93 0.6 9 13.43 63.71 loop
1536086341000000000 5 528 19 115 23 93 0.6 9 13.43 63.74 loop

A multi-line configuration results in this:

select * from VPV name: value time VPV

1536086335000000000 63.68 1536086337000000000 63.68 1536086339000000000 63.71 1536086341000000000 63.74

=============================================================================== Input map

When an input map is specified, only variables in that map will be uploaded. The 'units' parameter can be used to specify which units should be used for the input, independent of the local weewx units.

[StdRESTful] [[Influx]] database = DATABASE server = localhost port = 8086 tags = station=A [[[inputs]]] [[[[barometer]]]] units = inHg name = barometer_inHg format = %.3f [[[[outTemp]]]] units = degree_F name = outTemp_F format = %.1f [[[[outHumidity]]]] name = outHumidity format = %03.0f [[[[windSpeed]]]] units = mph name = windSpeed_mph format = %.2f [[[[windDir]]]] format = %03.0f