mattiasnordin / StataEditor

Stata Editor for Sublime Text 3
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Is there any chance to change working directory? #41

Open DF-18 opened 4 years ago

DF-18 commented 4 years ago

Hi, Mattias Thank you for sharing this plugin. Here is an issue i m trying to fix. When I run the code in sublime like this, the file will be output in the Sublime installation path. How can I set the output path to "C:\abc", the same path as the dataset used? `use "C:\abc\a.dta"

reg y x

outreg2 using test.doc,replace`

Or, I have to add "cd" command to every do-file that use different dataset in different path?

mattiasnordin commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can use the setting "default_path" in the settings file.