matze / mtheme

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background, block options and standout frames conflict (in various combinations) #324

Open pbly opened 6 years ago

pbly commented 6 years ago

Please see code below for which cases are problematic and which are not. The file produced: MWE_background_block_standout.pdf

\metroset{background=light, block = transparent} % metropolis default
\begin{frame}{background=light, block=transparent\\
     text: V, block title: V, block text: V}
Everything is visible
    Let $x$ be a variable.

\begin{frame}[standout]{background=light, block=transparent, standout\\
     text: V, block title: NV, block text: V}
The word ``definition'' does not appear:

    Let $x$ be a variable.

\metroset{background=dark, block = transparent}

\begin{frame}{background=dark, block=transparent\\ 
    text: V, block title: V, block text: V}
Everything is visible.
Let $x$ be a variable.

\begin{frame}[standout]{background=dark, block=transparent, standout\\ 
    text: V, block title: NV, block text: V}
    The word definition does not appear:

    Let $x$ be a variable.

\metroset{background=light, block=fill}

\begin{frame}{background=light, block=fill:\\ 
    text: NV, block title: V, block text: NV}
This text is not visible.
    Let $x$ be a variable.

\begin{frame}[standout]{background=light, block=fill, standout:\\
    text: V, block title: V, block text: NV}

Block text is not visible.

Let $x$ be a variable.

\metroset{background=dark, block = fill}

\begin{frame}{background=dark, block=fill:\\ 
    text: V, block title: V, block text: V}
Everything is visible
    Let $x$ be a variable.

\begin{frame}[standout]{background=dark, block=fill, standout:\\
    text: V, block title: V, block text: NV}

Block text is not visible.

Let $x$ be a variable.
