maurerle / eralchemy2

Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool based on
Apache License 2.0
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Add black and isort #10

Closed kasium closed 1 year ago

kasium commented 1 year ago

@maurerle since I stumbled across that: there is now requirements.txt, test_requirements.txt, - install_requires and - extras_require. It's maybe a good think to either use or *.txt files (just an idea). Also a CI would be a great thing!

maurerle commented 1 year ago

Can you run black again on current master to resolve the conflicts?

maurerle commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your contributions! :) And yes, I will remove the requirements.txt then after merging this.

I will also rename the main branch and then add a CI for the tests. But I am also open for contributions regarding github workflows.