mauriciotogneri / green-coffee

Green Coffee
MIT License
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GreenCoffeeConfig.concreteStep does not convert variables in Node argument, only in text. #4

Closed mikegr closed 7 years ago

mikegr commented 7 years ago

Here is an example of a scenario outline

Scenario Outline: Simplified test case
  Given I have a Model with:
        | alias      |  <alias>    |
        | attribute  | <attribute> |
  When I test
  Then I check for output <output>
    | id | alias  | attribute     | output |
    |  1 | Mr X   | awesome       | 0      |
    |  2 | Mrs Y  | very awesome  | 1      |

<output> is replaced, but <alias> and <attribute> are not.

mauriciotogneri commented 7 years ago

Hi @mikegr,

Indeed, when you run such a test, the will be filled but not the and . In order to parse the Gherkin files I'm using the official Java parser and it's not returning the values filled so I guess you should open a ticket on their side in order to fix the bug.

However, I'm not sure DataTables are meant to be used with examples. I couldn't find an example on Internet of this kind of usage. I didn't see in the official documentation anything saying if this is allowed/forbidden. So I have no idea if it's actually possible.