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MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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Pixhawk position setpoint code makes quadcopter takeoff higher when send x, y values #687

Closed vinhk closed 7 years ago

vinhk commented 7 years ago

Dear all,

I am working on ROS code for making my quadcopter takeoff and do basic movements such as forward, back, left, right. I am unable to make it do so at this point using PX4Flow. The drone keeps going up when I send the x and y values. I based my code from documentation. Therefore, I added more lines to work on getting it to move. Here is my code:

 * @file offb_node.cpp
 * @brief offboard example node, written with mavros version 0.14.2, px4 flight
 * stack and tested in Gazebo SITL
#include <time.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/CommandBool.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/SetMode.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/State.h>

mavros_msgs::State current_state;
void state_cb(const mavros_msgs::State::ConstPtr& msg){
    current_state = *msg;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    time_t start = time(0);
    ros::init(argc, argv, "offb_node");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;

    ros::Subscriber state_sub = nh.subscribe<mavros_msgs::State>
            ("mavros/state", 10, state_cb);
    ros::Publisher local_pos_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>
            ("mavros/setpoint_position/local", 10);
    ros::Publisher att_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>
            ("mavros/setpoint_attitude/attitude", 10);
    ros::ServiceClient arming_client = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::CommandBool>
    ros::ServiceClient set_mode_client = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::SetMode>

    //the setpoint publishing rate MUST be faster than 2Hz
    ros::Rate rate(10.0);

    // wait for FCU connection
    while(ros::ok() && current_state.connected){

    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
    pose.pose.position.x = 0;
    pose.pose.position.y = 0;
    pose.pose.position.z = 1;

    //send a few setpoints before starting
    for(int i = 100; ros::ok() && i > 0; --i){

    mavros_msgs::SetMode offb_set_mode;
    offb_set_mode.request.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD";

    mavros_msgs::CommandBool arm_cmd;
    arm_cmd.request.value = true;

    ros::Time last_request = ros::Time::now();

        if( current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD" &&
            (ros::Time::now() - last_request > ros::Duration(5.0))){
            if( &&
                ROS_INFO("Offboard enabled");
            last_request = ros::Time::now();
        } else {
            if( !current_state.armed &&
                (ros::Time::now() - last_request > ros::Duration(5.0))){
                if( &&
                    ROS_INFO("Vehicle armed");
                last_request = ros::Time::now();

    double seconds_since_start = difftime( time(0), start);
    printf("Dur [ms]: %.1f \n", seconds_since_start);
    if(seconds_since_start == 22){
        pose.pose.position.z = 1;

    if(seconds_since_start == 28){
        pose.pose.position.x = -.5;
                pose.pose.position.z = 1; 
        if(seconds_since_start == 35){
                pose.pose.position.y = -.5;
                pose.pose.position.z = 1;
    //send a few setpoints before starting


    return 0;

Here is my log data:

vinhk commented 7 years ago

if there is some other ways to send movements commands to the drone? Any help is appreciated. @vooon @TSC21

vinhk commented 7 years ago

I'm not looking to always initializing 'seconds_since_start'. It is there to check when x,y pose commands are sent.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

Taking a look at your logs, your LOCAL.POSITION.Z doesn't leave 1 meter. Do you get a position lock in your drone? Also, in the mavros terminal, do you get the current_state as OFFBOARD? Without a log from the terminal also there's no way to figure out what is happening in the mavros<->bridge.

vinhk commented 7 years ago

For position lock I am unable to get to to work as shown when I have it in position control mode. The quadcopter drifted when in position hold mode. That can be an issue when using position set points in ros I guess.

vinhk commented 7 years ago

In terminal yes, at round 15 seconds it switch to offboard mode.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

No. Position lock is having the solid green on your pixhawk. Means that the FCU can compute its position.

That can be an issue when using position set points in ros I guess.

Position setpoints in offboard mode nothing have to do position hold mode.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

I think you must push this issue to PX4 Firmware repo, as this does not seem to be MAVROS related. Closing this.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

Also, try posting this on gitter. Add a log to it