mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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Altitude problem with /mavros/cmd/takeoff #724

Closed Ahrovan closed 7 years ago

Ahrovan commented 7 years ago

Takeoff work with mavproxy, and "takeoff 5" command -> result about 5meter altitude, but :

ros::ServiceClient takeoff_cl = n.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::CommandTOL>("/mavros/cmd/takeoff");
mavros_msgs::CommandTOL srv_takeoff;
srv_takeoff.request.altitude = 5;
srv_takeoff.request.latitude = 0;
srv_takeoff.request.longitude = 0;
srv_takeoff.request.min_pitch = 0;
srv_takeoff.request.yaw = 0;
ROS_ERROR("srv_takeoff send ok %d", srv_takeoff.response.success);
ROS_ERROR("Failed Takeoff");

result of this code with mavros is not 5meter altitude, but about 1meter.

for example plot show - takeoff 5 (in GUIDED+mavproxy) and takeoff 5 (in LOITER+mavros) image

ArduPilot(Copter-3.5.0-rc7 ), ros-kinetic-mavros(0.18.7), Gazebo8 uctf SITL

vooon commented 7 years ago


rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c GUIDED
rosrun mavros mavcmd takeoff 0 0 0 0 5
TSC21 commented 7 years ago

@Ahrovan you still have problems?

Ahrovan commented 7 years ago

@vooon rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c GUIDED or ros::ServiceClient cl = n.serviceClient("/mavros/set_mode"); mavros_msgs::SetMode srv_setMode; srv_setMode.request.base_mode = 0; srv_setMode.request.custom_mode = "GUIDED"; if({ ROS_ERROR("setmode send ok %d value:", srv_setMode.response.success); }else{ ROS_ERROR("Failed SetMode"); return -1; } result in mavros terminal is this: CMD: Unexpected command 11, result 0

Ahrovan commented 7 years ago

This problem solved. thx

ashirsat commented 6 years ago

@Ahrovan What did you do to solve this problem?