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Holding Flight Position while giving the drone 2D velocity Command #739

Closed gy2256 closed 7 years ago

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

I am a PhD student currently working on an experiment that requires me to control drones with 2D Velocity Command (Vx, Vy). Essentially I want the drone to hold at a constant altitude and move around on the x,y plane.

My current setup is the following: DJI F450 frame, Odroid XU4, Pixhawk, PX4 Firmware with LPE (I am also using Optitrack). At this point, I am just trying to get my algorithm working in the Gazebo Simulator. So far, I have got the waypoints working but I am having trouble to let the drone hold its position while sending Vx, Vy. Do anyone have experience with this? Any help would be appreciated!

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

Are you feeding Optitrack data into the Pixhawk through MAVROS?

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

I am feeding Optitrack Data as /mavros/mocap and I have also changed the Pixhawk parameters such that it uses this information for local position estimation, the result is actually pretty good.

But that being said, I am currently just trying to work with Gazebo simulator (not including mocap). In my code, I create both setpoint_position and setpoint_velcity publishers. I set "set_position.pose.position.z = 2" and "set_velocity.linear.x = 1" But the drone just hover at 2 meters, without moving anywhere.

And it gives me this error: Could not process inbound connection: topic types do not match: [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped] vs. [geometry_msgs/Twist]{'topic': '/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '98d34b0043a2093cf9d9345ab6eef12e', 'type': 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped', 'callerid': '/mavros'}

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

I found the issue for the error message. I made a mistake when I try to send '/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel'. The message type should be TwistStamped, instead of Twist. After modifying my set_velocity to 'set_velocity.twist.linear.x = 1' the error disappears.

However, a new issue appears. The drone is not stable at all, it keeps shaking as it moves forward (+x direction). I am not sure if my approach is correct. Please let me know if there is a formal way to do it.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

Could not process inbound connection: topic types do not match: [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped] vs. [geometry_msgs/Twist]{'topic': '/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '98d34b0043a2093cf9d9345ab6eef12e', 'type': 'geometry_msgs/TwistStamped', 'callerid': '/mavros'}

Actually the error states what is the problem. The velocity command you are sending is a Twist msg, while the node is expecting a TwistStamped msg.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

However, a new issue appears. The drone is not stable at all, it keeps shaking as it moves forward (+x direction). I am not sure if my approach is correct. Please let me know if there is a formal way to do it.

Without checking the code you are using, is kinda difficult to understand what's wrong.

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

@TSC21 Thanks for the help! Unfortunately , I am not sure if I can post my original source code. I will get back to this issue once I have the permission. I apologize for the inconvenience.

I will also post the solution for this particular problem once I find it because I think it is a really good application/demo.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

I apologize for the inconvenience.

The inconvenience is not for us that are trying to help you. But asserting over the functionality of a piece of code without knowing the code is kinda difficult.

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

@TSC21 Yes. I completely understand.

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

OK. So here is a simple script I have to control both velocity and position.

import rospy
import numpy as np
import math
import mavros_msgs

from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, TwistStamped
from mavros_msgs import srv
from mavros_msgs.msg import State

#=================Parameter Initializaiton========================
goal_pose = PoseStamped()
current_pose = PoseStamped()
set_velocity = TwistStamped()
current_state = State()

def altitude_hold():
    global goal_pose
    goal_pose.pose.position.z = 2

#==============Call Back Functions=====================
def pos_sub_callback(pose_sub_data):
    global current_pose
    current_pose = pose_sub_data

def state_callback(state_data):
    global current_state
    current_state = state_data

#============Intialize Node, Publishers and Subscribers=================
rospy.init_node('Vel_Control_Node', anonymous = True)
rate = rospy.Rate(10) #publish at 10 Hz
local_position_subscribe = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/local_position/pose', PoseStamped, pos_sub_callback)
local_position_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_position/local', PoseStamped, queue_size = 10)
setpoint_velocity_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/setpoint_velocity/cmd_vel',TwistStamped, queue_size = 10)
state_status_subscribe = rospy.Subscriber('/mavros/state',State,state_callback)

#============Define Velocity==============================================
set_velocity.twist.linear.x = 1 #moving 1m/s at x direction

while not rospy.is_shutdown():

    if current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD" or not current_state.armed:
        arm = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/cmd/arming', mavros_msgs.srv.CommandBool)
        set_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/set_mode',mavros_msgs.srv.SetMode)
        mode = set_mode(custom_mode = 'OFFBOARD')

        if mode.success:
            rospy.loginfo('Switched to OFFBOARD mode!')


TSC21 commented 7 years ago

You should base your code in this:

I see you send the position setpoint only once while you should send it for a while. Then, when it check it's in the goal_pose, it should move on x direction with that velocity. Also, you should separate the verification of the mode and arm state into two different conditions.

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

I am thinking about a different approach. Instead of rely on '/mavros/setpoint_position/local' to achieve the altitude hold, I might as well write my own PID altitude controller that takes the difference of the desired altitude and my current altitude (set_z - measured_z) as my input, and output velocity control in the z direction. Therefore, all I need is to publish Vz to maintain the altitude, it might require some tuning though.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

That is something I have already done in test_mavros with control_toolbox. Check what is there and maybe you don't have to implement it from scratch.

gy2256 commented 7 years ago

Thanks! I will take a look at it and I believe it is a great approach. I think this issue can be closed now.

schmittlema commented 7 years ago

I modified this to get altitude hold while controling horizontal velocity. You can also try setpoint_raw, but I found that it didn't work.

visrinivasan commented 6 years ago

@schmittlema , can you tell me how did you modify to give a constant velocity with altitude hold?

schmittlema commented 6 years ago

Below. I made a 3 PID controllers for each axis. Then if the desired velocity is none it holds that axis position. Z is always trying to hold altitude. Hopefully it helps. `""" testing offboard positon control with a simple takeoff script """

import rospy from mavros_msgs.msg import State from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Pose, Point, Quaternion, Vector3, Twist, TwistStamped import math import numpy from std_msgs.msg import Header from PID import PID

class VelocityController: target = PoseStamped() output = TwistStamped()

def __init__(self):
    self.X = PID()
    self.Y = PID()
    self.Z = PID()
    self.lastTime = rospy.get_time() = None

def setTarget(self, target): = target

def update(self, state,x_vel,y_vel,hold_state):
    if ( is None):
        rospy.logwarn("Target position for velocity controller is none.")
        return None
    # simplify variables a bit
    time = state.header.stamp.to_sec()
    position = state.pose.position
    orientation = state.pose.orientation
    # create output structure
    output = TwistStamped()
    output.header = state.header
    # output velocities
    linear = Vector3()
    angular = Vector3()
    if x_vel == 0: = hold_state.pose.position.x
        linear.x = self.X.update(, position.x, time)
        linear.x = x_vel
    if y_vel == 0: = hold_state.pose.position.y
        linear.y = self.Y.update(, position.y, time)
        linear.y = y_vel
    # Control in Z vel
    linear.z = self.Z.update(, position.z, time)
    # Control yaw (no x, y angular)
    # TODO
    output.twist = Twist()
    output.twist.linear = linear
    return output

def stop(self):
AlexisTM commented 6 years ago

Hey there. You cannot control Vx, Vy and Z, only velocities or only position. If the drone is shaking it's because it answer to the position setpoint then the velocity.

TSC21 commented 6 years ago

@AlexisTM currently you can:

Bitmasks are: to control vx, vy, z, y -> 3043 (0xBE3) to control vx, vy, z -> 4067 (0xFE3) to control vx, vy, z, y_rate -> 2019 (0x7E3)

AlexisTM commented 6 years ago

Indeed, but he mentioned using setpoint_position and setpoint_velocity. He has to use setpoint_raw and set the type_mask.

Also, I am not certain the mode is working as the offboard_mode is converted to a vehicule_mode and the offboard_mode.ignore_alt_hold is not mentioned at all. Therefore, I never tested it.