mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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Unable to change to AUTO modes #752

Closed gawebb-dstl closed 7 years ago

gawebb-dstl commented 7 years ago

Issue details

I'm unable to switch into the any of the AUTO modes. This is how I'm currently trying:

mavros_msgs::SetMode setMode;
setMode.request.custom_mode = "AUTO.LOITER" ;
if( current_state.mode != "AUTO.LOITER"  && (ros::Time::now() - last_request > ros::Duration(TIME_IN_BETWEEN_COMMANDS))){
    if( && setMode.response.success){
        ROS_INFO_STREAM("Response " << setMode.response);
    last_request = ros::Time::now();

However when using any of the AUTO modes it will switch to AUTO.RTL. I can successfully change to OFFBOARD using the same code by replacing "AUTO.LOITER" with "OFFBOARD" and after the if statement sending a position with:

geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose2send;

I feel like this may just be poor implementation rather than a issue as such. If you need any additional information please let me know. I haven't included the full code as it is over 500 lines long (I can launch, land, etc) Thank you in advance for any feedback or advice

MAVROS version and platform

Mavros: 0.18.5 ROS: Kinetic Ubuntu: 16.04

Autopilot type and version

[ ] ArduPilot [ X ] PX4

Version: ?

Node logs

[ WARN] [1499761750.717252861]: TM: Clock skew detected (-0.014167200 s). Hard syncing clocks.
[ INFO] [1499761767.476603621]: FCU: ARMED by arm/disarm component command
[ INFO] [1499761767.484455503]: FCU: [logger] file: rootfs/fs/microsd/log/2017-07-11/0
[ INFO] [1499761767.490913817]: FCU: Taking off
[ERROR] [1499761767.493797606]: FCU: failsafe mode off
[ INFO] [1499761768.166906036]: FCU: Takeoff detected
[ INFO] [1499761769.114373388]: FCU: [lpe] land timeout 
[ WARN] [1499761769.215144471]: TM: Clock skew detected (-0.010285429 s). Hard syncing clocks.
[ WARN] [1499761783.015127143]: TM: Clock skew detected (-0.021271531 s). Hard syncing clocks.
[ WARN] [1499761790.467704894]: CMD: Unexpected command 176, result 0
[ INFO] [1499761790.468432015]: FCU: no datalink
[ERROR] [1499761790.470694533]: FCU: failsafe mode on
[ INFO] [1499761790.481651463]: FCU: RTL: return at 11 m (10 m above home)
[ INFO] [1499761790.496372606]: FCU: RTL: descend to 6 m (5 m above home)
[ INFO] [1499761792.962085623]: FCU: RTL: loiter 5.0s
[ INFO] [1499761798.002369481]: FCU: RTL: land at home
[ INFO] [1499761812.080558908]: FCU: Landing detected
[ INFO] [1499761812.087016952]: FCU: RTL: completed, landed
[ INFO] [1499761812.197009750]: FCU: [lpe] land init
[ INFO] [1499761815.101863741]: FCU: DISARMED by auto disarm on land
[ WARN] [1499762092.713851071]: TM: Clock skew detected (-0.010004356 s). Hard syncing clocks.


  seq: 2333
    secs: 1499762515
    nsecs: 779993466
  frame_id: ''
    level: 0
    name: mavros: FCU connection
    message: connected
    hardware_id: udp://:14540@
        key: Received packets:
        value: 57018
        key: Dropped packets:
        value: 0
        key: Buffer overruns:
        value: 0
        key: Parse errors:
        value: 0
        key: Rx sequence number:
        value: 210
        key: Tx sequence number:
        value: 146
        key: Rx total bytes:
        value: 213701816
        key: Tx total bytes:
        value: 12767184
        key: Rx speed:
        value: 132022.000000
        key: Tx speed:
        value: 13202.000000
    level: 0
    name: mavros: GPS
    message: 3D fix
    hardware_id: udp://:14540@
        key: Satellites visible
        value: 10
        key: Fix type
        value: 3
        key: EPH (m)
        value: 0.00
        key: EPV (m)
        value: 0.00
    level: 0
    name: mavros: Heartbeat
    message: Normal
    hardware_id: udp://:14540@
        key: Heartbeats since startup
        value: 2947
        key: Frequency (Hz)
        value: 1.000498
        key: Vehicle type
        value: Quadrotor
        key: Autopilot type
        value: PX4 Autopilot
        key: Mode
        value: AUTO.RTL
        key: System status
        value: Standby
    level: 0
    name: mavros: System
    message: Normal
    hardware_id: udp://:14540@
        key: Sensor present
        value: 0x00000000
        key: Sensor enabled
        value: 0x00000000
        key: Sensor helth
        value: 0x00000000
        key: CPU Load (%)
        value: 0.0
        key: Drop rate (%)
        value: 0.0
        key: Errors comm
        value: 0
        key: Errors count #1
        value: 0
        key: Errors count #2
        value: 0
        key: Errors count #3
        value: 0
        key: Errors count #4
        value: 0
    level: 0
    name: mavros: Battery
    message: Normal
    hardware_id: udp://:14540@
        key: Voltage
        value: 12.15
        key: Current
        value: -1.0
        key: Remaining
        value: 99.0
    level: 0
    name: mavros: Time Sync
    message: Normal
    hardware_id: udp://:14540@
        key: Timesyncs since startup
        value: 8
        key: Frequency (Hz)
        value: 9.223080
        key: Last dt (ms)
        value: -0.663441
        key: Mean dt (ms)
        value: -1.738984
        key: Last system time (s)
        value: 2948.321254000
        key: Time offset (s)
        value: 1499759567.391520023

Check ID

OK. I got messages from 1:1.

Received 37112 messages, from 1 addresses
sys:comp   list of messages
  1:1     0, 1, 2, 140, 141, 147, 24, 30, 32, 33, 42, 74, 76, 83, 85, 87, 230, 105, 111, 241, 242, 245
vooon commented 7 years ago

It is firmware side. As i remember only AUTO.MISSION is allowed to set from telemetry.

gawebb-dstl commented 7 years ago

The same problem exists with trying to change into AUTO.MISSION mode. I can see that I've sent way-points but I'm unable to get it to move to them. The only way I've managed this, is by using QGroundControl to change the mode to AUTO.MISSION after I've sent the waypoints with mavros. It will then goto to the waypoints.

feilongfl commented 7 years ago

same problem here,i run in gazebo,then i use fallsafe code this

void modeLOITER(ros::NodeHandle& nh)
    if (current_state.mode != "AUTO.LOITER") {
        ros::ServiceClient set_mode_client = nh.serviceClient<mavros_msgs::SetMode>("mavros/set_mode");

        mavros_msgs::SetMode offb_set_mode;
        offb_set_mode.request.custom_mode = "AUTO.LOITER";

        if ( && offb_set_mode.response.success) {
            ROS_INFO("LOITER enabled");

void armAndModeOffboard(ros::NodeHandle& nh)
    // turn board into offboard mode
    if (current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD") {
        // last_request = ros::Time::now();
    } else {
        // check system armd
        if (!current_state.armed) {
            // last_request = ros::Time::now();

void fallSafe(ros::NodeHandle& nh)
    if (ros::Time::now() - msg.Data.t > ros::Duration(1.0)) {
        //msg.sendStatusUseSerial(eular, current_state, pos_status, dis_status);
    } else {

all code in

but when plan in air,it show me no warning like "no rc ctrl or offboard",but it in auto.rtl mode.

this picture is before change mode,work in offboard 2017-08-03 15-48-15

than i change it to AUTO.LOITER,it turn in auto.rtl with no warning!!!and it show me offboard mode,but in gazebo simluator i see it clearly in auto rtl mode 2017-08-03 15-48-22 2017-07-25 09-21-45 2

then only landed it turn to auto.loiter

feilongfl commented 7 years ago

system ubuntu 16.04 gazebo is in docker use dockerfile ros Kinetic

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

I'm closing this since this is Firmware related.