mavlink / mavros

MAVLink to ROS gateway with proxy for Ground Control Station
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mavros.register_on_namespace_update(_setup_services) #765

Closed AldrichCabrera closed 7 years ago

AldrichCabrera commented 7 years ago


I have a problem when run the command for arm the drone.

odroid@odroid:~/catkin_ws$ rosrun mavros mavsafety arm Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/mavros/mavsafety", line 18, in from mavros import command File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mavros/", line 51, in mavros.register_on_namespace_update(_setup_services) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'register_on_namespace_update'

Does anyone know how to solve this?

I have ROS kinetic on odroid, the version the mavros, mavros_msgs is 0.19.0. I try all the solutions that I find in the internet but nobody can solved it.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

Have you tried to update python?

AldrichCabrera commented 7 years ago

I have Python 2.7.12 and another computer i have 2.7.6. I even installed the pkg with: sudo apt-get install --reinstall python-catkin-pkg

but the error persists

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

What's the ouput of rostopic echo -n1 /diagnostics and the ouput of your mavros_node?

vooon commented 7 years ago

Check content of /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mavros/ file. It should have function register_on_namespace_update().

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

@AldrichCabrera that's the rostopic list. I meant the output of the terminal console when you launch the node. And also from rostopic echo -n1 /diagnostics. Use markdown formatting for that please.

AldrichCabrera commented 7 years ago
seq: 42
secs: 1502224247
nsecs: 778723721
frame_id: ''
level: 1
name: mavros: FCU connection
message: not connected
hardware_id: udp://:14550@
    key: Received packets:
    value: 3093
    key: Dropped packets:
    value: 0
    key: Buffer overruns:
    value: 0
    key: Parse errors:
    value: 0
    key: Rx sequence number:
    value: 118
    key: Tx sequence number:
    value: 68
    key: Rx total bytes:
    value: 99920
    key: Tx total bytes:
    value: 13559
    key: Rx speed:
    value: 2893.000000
    key: Tx speed:
    value: 462.000000
level: 2
name: mavros: GPS
message: No satellites
hardware_id: udp://:14550@
    key: Satellites visible
    value: 0
    key: Fix type
    value: 1
    key: EPH (m)
    value: 99.99
    key: EPV (m)
    value: Unknown
level: 2
name: mavros: Heartbeat
message: No events recorded.
hardware_id: udp://:14550@
    key: Heartbeats since startup
    value: 13
    key: Frequency (Hz)
    value: 0.000000
    key: Vehicle type
    value: Quadrotor
    key: Autopilot type
    value: ArduPilotMega / ArduCopter
    key: Mode
    value: LOITER
    key: System status
    value: Standby
level: 0
name: mavros: System
message: Normal
hardware_id: udp://:14550@
    key: Sensor present
    value: 0x0061FC2F
    key: Sensor enabled
    value: 0x0061FC2F
    key: Sensor helth
    value: 0x0061FC2F
    key: 3D gyro
    value: Ok
    key: 3D accelerometer
    value: Ok
    key: 3D magnetometer
    value: Ok
    key: absolute pressure
    value: Ok
    key: GPS
    value: Ok
    key: 3D angular rate control
    value: Ok
    key: attitude stabilization
    value: Ok
    key: yaw position
    value: Ok
    key: z/altitude control
    value: Ok
    key: x/y position control
    value: Ok
    key: motor outputs / control
    value: Ok
    key: rc receiver
    value: Ok
    key: AHRS subsystem health
    value: Ok
    key: Terrain subsystem health
    value: Ok
    key: CPU Load (%)
    value: 23.8
    key: Drop rate (%)
    value: 0.0
    key: Errors comm
    value: 0
    key: Errors count #1
    value: 0
    key: Errors count #2
    value: 0
    key: Errors count #3
    value: 0
    key: Errors count #4
    value: 0
level: 0
name: mavros: Battery
message: Normal
hardware_id: udp://:14550@
    key: Voltage
    value: 15.26
    key: Current
    value: 0.6
    key: Remaining
    value: 46.0
level: 2
name: mavros: Time Sync
message: No events recorded.
hardware_id: udp://:14550@
    key: Timesyncs since startup
    value: 0
    key: Frequency (Hz)
    value: 0.000000
    key: Last dt (ms)
    value: 0.000000
    key: Mean dt (ms)
    value: 0.000000
    key: Last system time (s)
    value: 0.000000000
    key: Time offset (s)
    value: 0.000000000
level: 1
name: mavros: 3DR Radio
message: Low RSSI
hardware_id: udp://:14550@
    key: RSSI
    value: 0
    key: RSSI (dBm)
    value: -127.0
    key: Remote RSSI
    value: 226
    key: Remote RSSI (dBm)
    value: -8.1
    key: Tx buffer (%)
    value: 0
    key: Noice level
    value: 0
    key: Remote noice level
    value: 0
    key: Rx errors
    value: 1
    key: Fixed
    value: 0
AldrichCabrera commented 7 years ago

screenshot at 2017-08-08 21 09 56 screenshot at 2017-08-08 21 10 08 screenshot at 2017-08-08 21 10 15

AldrichCabrera commented 7 years ago

@vooon hi i already checked the content and i definitely have what you tell me

AldrichCabrera commented 7 years ago

Solved only need install these pkg: sudo apt-get install geographiclib-tools sudo apt-get install python-geographiclib

Thanks for you help.

TSC21 commented 7 years ago

That's a result of a bad source install then. Closing