max-mapper / hexbin

community curated list of hexagon logos
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npm logo #17

Open vvo opened 9 years ago

vvo commented 9 years ago

@maxogden I made this for my own needs:


Do you like it? Do you want it? Is this allowed by npm inc?


joshhartigan commented 9 years ago

see here for npm's policies on usage of their assets. Can't access the site right now, but from memory I'm pretty sure they'd be fine with this.

zeke commented 9 years ago

As @joshhartigan mentioned above, you can do whatever you want as long as you're not using the logo to "unfairly profit from, trick, or confuse people who are looking for official npm resources."

That said, I'm not a big fan of this graphic. It appears three-dimensional, but has a two-dimensional logo superimposed over it.

Here's an npm hex logo I've been working on.. What do you think?

screen shot 2014-12-19 at 1 58 49 pm

vvo commented 9 years ago

@zeke One of our twitter bio says "designer at @npmjs", I think anyone can guess who is who from your amazing logo proposal.

Why not put all three letters on each side? While your logo is appealing, the link to npm is not obvious.

joshhartigan commented 9 years ago

I would probably agree with @zeke on the juxta of 2D/3D in this original graphic. The npm logo has just been superimposed over the cube, which makes the design seem quite uncomfortable to me — obviously just my opinion.

As for your designs, @zeke, I think the centered one would work best in conjunction with the other hexbin icons. Also if anybody used the hex as a laptop sticker, I think 2 and 3 would be more effective.

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

i like all the stickers in this thread, but I like the middle one by @zeke the most :)

junosuarez commented 9 years ago

I love the first one by @zeke - specifically, I love the 3d look while using a 2-color palette! That said, I'd caution that rounded corner designs look a little strange when printed on regular polygon die cut stickers with sharp pointy corners.

joshhartigan commented 9 years ago

the corners issue could probably be fixed by zeke fairly easily

vvo commented 9 years ago

Look ma I'm all 3d:


It's more of an experience and training on inkscape for me. :D Still, what do you think? Is it easier to read now?

zeke commented 9 years ago

Nice. What about n on the top face, p on the left, and m on the right?

huang47 commented 9 years ago

@zeke + 1