This plugin provides a simple to use tag, to display flags for countries of the languages your application supports, that when clicked, changes the language of your application using the i18n support provided by Grails.
Flag icons 16x16 pixels are from FamFamFam
Add the next tag to your gsp.
<langs:selector langs="es, en, en_US, pt_BR, pt, pt_pt"/>
<langs:selector langs="es, en, en_US, pt_BR, pt, pt_pt"
url="${createLink(action: 'list', controller: 'libro', params: [paramun: 123])}"/>
<langs:selector langs="es, en, en_US, pt_BR, pt, pt_pt" default="es" />
The required attribute langs
tells the plugin which flags to show, if pay attention the values are the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for languages and a countries, also are the same of the suffixes of
Optionally if you want to redirect always to the same url when changing the language (this is helpful to avoid doing a GET with post data) use the url parameter, and this provided url will be used instead of the actual one.
From version 0.3 you optionally can set the default flag to be highlighted when the user enters for first time in the app or has a new fresh session.
This tag includes the css stylesheet that helps you identify which language is selected:
tagYou can also use standard Grails
<form method="get">
<g:localeSelect name="lang" value="${Locale.ENGLISH}"/>
<input type="submit" value="Change locale"/>
Optionally you can add this property to the Config.groovy
to tell the plugin which flag display for the language. By default has the value shown below. Its a map that in the keys are the languages and the values are the countries.
grails.plugin.langSelector.langFlags = [
'es': 'es',
'en': 'gb',
'fr': 'fr',
'da': 'dk',
'de': 'de',
'it': 'it',
'ja': 'jp',
'nl': 'nl',
'ru': 'ru',
'th': 'th',
'zh': 'cn',
'pt': 'pt'
1 . The i18n support its executed in a filter attached to all controllers in your app, so in order to get it working in '/', you have to point it to a controller in the grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy
Here is an example:
'/'(controller: 'oneController', action: 'oneAction')
2 . Some versions of Grails when create an app generate the english message properties without the corresponding suffix, this prevents the i18n support to work properly.
You should change the name of the file to get it working, this way:
tag is deprecated and will be removed in v1.0. You should use standard <r:require module="langSelector"/>
<r:require module="localeSelector"/>
-[#9] com.mfelix.grails.plugins.langSelector.lang.flags
with grails.plugin.langSelector.langFlags