mazdik / ng-modal

Angular resizable and draggable modal component
82 stars 43 forks source link

Do you have the plan to refactor the code into Angular style? #2

Closed fattypiggy closed 6 years ago

fattypiggy commented 6 years ago

Firstly, I like your component:).

As the title said, I have checked your codes, and found that in the ng-modal component, you use addEventListener way, not Angular @HostListener style to bind handler, so do you want to have a update about that?

And I have forked your repo into my local computer, changed it into Angular style, but found that if you drag the modal move it so fast, the performance is not as good as yours, can you explain that for me?

thank you very much.

mazdik commented 6 years ago

What is bad addEventListener? ) ngZone.runOutsideAngular - so you can run a native addEventListener outside angular

fattypiggy commented 6 years ago

Actually, I don't know what is bad using addEventListener, just think using decorator looks more like Angular style. No problem, this component behaves very well.