maziarraissi / PINNs

Physics Informed Deep Learning: Data-driven Solutions and Discovery of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
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why the network has zero iterations in noiseless data? #6

Open ehtisham409 opened 4 years ago

nish-ant commented 4 years ago

Can you point to the specific code that you are referring to ?

ehtisham409 commented 4 years ago

ehtisham409 commented 4 years ago

continuous_time_identification (Burgers)/

nish-ant commented 4 years ago


For this specific example, when we have the noiseless data, the nIter = 0 means that no Adam optimization will be performed and the model is trained using L-BFGS only (using the arguments under options in ScipyOptimizerInterface). You can test by increasing the number of iteration (say nIter = 10000) but it will not improve the result significantly(?).


Because of the noise, the valley is more difficult to find compared to the noiseless data. Therefore, for the noised data, a Adam optiimization precedes the L-BGFS method.

See for more detail on optimizers.

ehtisham409 commented 4 years ago

for simple ODEs can i consider the case as no noise?

nish-ant commented 4 years ago

A good test would be to start with nIter=0 and then increase it until you are satisfied with the result