mbabari / LWQWW

Monitoring tool for IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Queue Watcher
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javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded #2

Open somurssr opened 3 years ago

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Hi ,When I start the app with no ssl (HTTP) only [2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid Logon request sent (GET) GET /queueWatch/ HTTP/1.1 Host: bnlvwtxfsa:30000 Accept: / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: Keep-Alive

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2021 21:15:24 GMT

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid securetoken=1617657324323node01rt1pbuc3d1w3bncpyu28e166154 [2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid Logon request sent (POST)POST /queueWatch/queueWatcher?securetoken=1617657324323node01rt1pbuc3d1w3bncpyu28e166154 HTTP/1.1 Host: bnlvwtxfsa:30000 Accept: / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 30 Cookie: JSESSIONID==3=srv=3=sn=1611F5804A7067A13C0DA9709F87F47B=perc=100000=ol=0=mul=1=app:50b52dac72daf2ee=0

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid Response status from LOGON call received :null [2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: true null

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: true null [2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid GET http://bnlvwtxfsa:30000/queueWatch/queueWatcher?securetoken=1617657324323node01rt1pbuc3d1w3bncpyu28e166154&qname=threads HTTP/1.1 Accept: / Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US Host: bnlvwtxfsa:30000 Cookie: JSESSIONID==3=srv=3=sn=1611F5804A7067A13C0DA9709F87F47B=perc=100000=ol=0=mul=1=app:50b52dac72daf2ee=0 Connection: Keep-Alive

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: false null

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: false null

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: false HTTP/1.1 302 Found

somurssr commented 3 years ago

it just created like this only NODE1 2021-04-05 17:37:30 HDR host bnlvwtxfsa port 30000 rate 5000 threshold 90.0 node 1 211 2.1.1 APR 2019

somurssr commented 3 years ago

[2021-04-06 07:51:24] Active: 0 Waiting: 0 Heap: 0.0 GB Free: 0.0 GB Samples: 0 [2021-04-06 07:51:34] Active: 0 Waiting: 0 Heap: 0.0 GB Free: 0.0 GB Samples: 0

mbabari commented 3 years ago

There is a connection problem to QW from the LWQWW application. Please connect to Sterling SFG Queue Watcher with a browser to initiate a session first, and then connect with the LWQWW application.

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Thank you for answering, yes I have been checking all the time from browser and dont see any issue. some how from LWQWW application it is not will really helps as often we are seeing issues with produciton and hoping this will give some insights . Please help me.. this is what I have {ecom000@bnlvwtxfsa} {/sterling/qww/LWQWW} $ cat silence= user=ramasis password= keyStorePassword= trustStorePassword= threshold=90.0 stop_after=0 target1=!\u0014\u0016\u0006\u00128\u0013\u0010ELC\u001C8\f\u0015\u0011\u001C\f\u001C8\u001B\n\u0005\u0004%\u0015\r


workdir=/sterling/qww/LWQWW jdbc=off nohup=false port=30000 ssl=false memory= host=bnlvwtxfsa logon=on


debug=on node=1 wfid= keyStoreType=jks netdebug=ssl header= trustStoreType=jks solicitPW=false rate=5000 target=queueWatch workdir=/sterling/qww/LWQWW stop_After=0

mbabari commented 3 years ago

Hello Do you get any errors in SFG sci.log when you connect with LWQWW?

somurssr commented 3 years ago

I didnt see sci.log, also I switched to SSL, bu adding keyand truststore as our dashboard is on SSL port. but still no luck.

somurssr commented 3 years ago

HandshakeMessage: TLS Keygenerator IbmTlsPrf from provider from init IBMJCEFIPS version 1.8 %% Cached client session: [Session-2, SSL_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384] lwqww, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 224 [2021-04-07 08:49:11] id= noid Logon request sent (GET) GET /queueWatch/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: Keep-Alive

lwqww, READ: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 11360 [2021-04-07 08:49:11] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[2021-04-07 08:49:11] id= noid HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[2021-04-07 08:49:11] id= noid Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2021 12:49:11 GMT

[2021-04-07 08:49:11] id= noid securetoken=1617799751313node010h8shcbcnrsff0k1ivsicj791762 lwqww, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 464 [2021-04-07 08:49:11] id= noid Logon request sent (POST)POST /queueWatch/queueWatcher?securetoken=1617799751313node010h8shcbcnrsff0k1ivsicj791762 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 36 Cookie: JSESSIONID==3=srv=1=sn=3FCA182EDEACC26F6C42186FC43DBF9E=perc=100000=ol=0=mul=1=app:50b52dac72daf2ee=0

lwqww, READ: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 16464 lwqww, READ: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 4304 [2021-04-07 08:49:11] id= noid Response status from LOGON call received :null

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Also when I enabled to go with SSL, it is still looking with http instead of https as per log [2021-04-07 08:49:16] id= noid GET HTTP/1.1

mbabari commented 3 years ago

The LWQWW App is receiving a null from the LOGON call:

[2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid Response status from LOGON call received :null [2021-04-05 17:15:24] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: true null

Is the url above works from a browser? Please share the new debug and property file for the HTTPS call ( Logging shows HTTP).

somurssr commented 3 years ago


somurssr commented 3 years ago


somurssr commented 3 years ago

silence= user=ramasis password= keyStorePassword= trustStorePassword= threshold=90.0 stop_after=0 target1=!\u0014\u0016\u0006\u00128\u0013\u0010ELC\u001C8\f\u0015\u0011\u001C\f\u001C8\u001B\n\u0005\u0004%\u0015\r keyStore=/sterling/qww/keystore.jks workdir=/sterling/qww/LWQWW jdbc=off nohup=false port=30001 ssl=true memory= logon=on trustStore=/sterling/qww/truststore.jks debug=on node=1 wfid= keyStoreType=jks netdebug=ssl header= trustStoreType=jks solicitPW=false rate=5000 target=queueWatch workdir=/sterling/qww/LWQWW stop_After=0

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Hi, I shared above properties file and queuewatcher.doc where you can see url is working.

I think you asked me to test the url from console log , I tested that and interstingly it is giving "P" in the browser screen. I am attaching that screenshot document "LWQWW_Results_FromBrowser.docx"

Here is the command I used to start /sterling/b2bi/install/jdk/bin/java -jar lwqww-211.jar -prop {ecom000@bnlvwtxfsa} {/sterling/qww/LWQWW} $ /sterling/b2bi/install/jdk/bin/java -jar lwqww-211.jar -prop [2021-04-07 12:47:26] id= noid GET HTTP/1.1 Accept: / Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US Host: Cookie: JSESSIONID==3=srv=3=sn=AC610102C5FE7BE3AD79A4225D1DDF37=perc=100000=ol=0=mul=1=app:50b52dac72daf2ee=0 Connection: Keep-Alive

lwqww, READ: TLSv1.2 Application Data, length = 992 [2021-04-07 12:47:26] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: false HTTP/1.1 302 Found

LWQWW Sterling B2B Integrator activity monitoring This code is provided to you on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind. host: port: 30001 rate: 5000

No password found in : Type your password please: I entered My password

Add this : password=621F5565E5CF4CE9937DA0A92628E016 to Type your keystore password please:[SSL MODE ONLY] I entered My password Add this : keyStorePassword=4EE3A3AB8EDF93C8067E98D4CEC8BAE9 to Type your Truststore password please [SSL MODE ONLY]: I entered My password

somurssr commented 3 years ago


somurssr commented 3 years ago

From the same above url if have https when I tested from browser I am getting "

Page not found or not allowed!

But if I test the url until queueWatch, it isgiving me login screen and I able to login with my credentials and it is working. so something was blocking from app I guess

somurssr commented 3 years ago

I dont know how to ask your help..becuase IBM support said it is not something they will support for me...Could you please share some insights of my issue or how to debug.

somurssr commented 3 years ago

I tried to debug your code and tried to test , I see I am getting a secure token after that at receiveContent() method it is trying to loop the line and getting logout, here is the sequence of log

somurssr commented 3 years ago

[2021-04-07 22:51:11] id= noid Logon request sent (GET) GET /queueWatch/ HTTP/1.1 Host: rtlvwtxf01:30000 Accept: / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: Keep-Alive

[2021-04-07 22:51:11] id= noid checkHTTPStatus: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[2021-04-07 22:51:11] id= noid HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[2021-04-07 22:51:11] id= noid securetoken=1617850271145owzfigmforx61x1nrorql47di Testing the responsePOST /queueWatch/queueWatcher?securetoken=1617850271145owzfigmforx61x1nrorql47di HTTP/1.1 Host: rtlvwtxf01:30000 Accept: / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 35 Cookie: JSESSIONID=v_4_srv_2_sn_D6339122BEF303C83EBB84D5E3C1DDBB_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3A15129a4f530bb7ca_0

[2021-04-07 22:51:13] id= noid Logon request sent (POST)POST /queueWatch/queueWatcher?securetoken=1617850271145owzfigmforx61x1nrorql47di HTTP/1.1 Host: rtlvwtxf01:30000 Accept: / Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 35 Cookie: JSESSIONID=v_4_srv_2_sn_D6339122BEF303C83EBB84D5E3C1DDBB_perc_100000_ol_0_mul_1_app-3A15129a4f530bb7ca_0

Return line is:

[2021-04-07 22:51:15] id= noid Response status from LOGON call received :null

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Hi , Could you please check as I able to understand your code now but what should happen at this code receiveContent(); --- this method is doing do while by reading all lines QWUtil.debugCall("Response status from LOGON call received :" + QWGlobal.httpStatus);

is there any piece is missing when you zip the file?

Thanks Somu

mbabari commented 3 years ago

After the first run you added the encoded passwords to and run the tool? Can you share the property and show the output of the command on the second run?

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Hi ,Even after adding encoded passwords it is asking me, let me share that as well with you in few minutes

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Here is the file [](

somurssr commented 3 years ago

LWQWW Sterling B2B Integrator activity monitoring This code is provided to you on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind. host: port: 30001 rate: 5000

ERROR: The QW password should be encrypted in the property file: ERROR: Remove the password from the property file, leave it blank (password=) then restart lwqww. ERROR: At the next run, lwqww will ask you to type the password and display an encrypted version. ERROR: Add the encrypted password to your property file e.g. password= javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded at Source) at Source) at Source) at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Unknown Source) at at at command thread started CMD: (/stop/display/newfile/version/debug/help) IBMJSSE2 will not allow protocol SSLv3 per set to TRUE or default IBMJSSEProvider2 Build-Level: -20200611--106 IBMJSSE2 when using default SSLSocketFactory per will set protocol to TLSv12 Installed Providers = IBMJCEFIPS IBMJCE BC Certicom IBMJSSE2 IBMJGSSProvider IBMCertPath SCIKS SCIKM CerticomJSSE jdk.tls.client.protocols is defined as null SSLv3 protocol was requested but was not enabled SSLv3 protocol was requested but was not enabled SUPPORTED: [TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2] SERVER_DEFAULT: [TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2] CLIENT_DEFAULT: [TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2] keyStore is: /sterling/qww/keystore.jks keyStore type is: jks keyStore provider is: init keystore IBMKeyManager: Exception accessing default keystore: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect default context init failed: IBMKeyManager: Problem accessing key store Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect [2021-04-08 09:06:45] id= noid Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: IBMJSSE2, class:

Unexpected Login response - terminating... Command thread terminating VERSION: 211 BUILD: 2.1.1 BUILDDATE: APR 2019 Monitor Started - toggle on / off with CMD:display

Monitor thread terminated Last QWW FILE: null

somurssr commented 3 years ago

when I added encrypted password back to propertie file, it is giving above error

mbabari commented 3 years ago

Ok this is a problem with crypto providers as you are using the SFG JDK which contains FIPS provider at the top of the list of providers.

You have two options to solve this:

1/ Use a different external JDK which doesn't have the FIPS provider configured.


Make a copy of you JDK file and use a different provider from the original list ( change the order as the top one will be used) for example: security.provider.4=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider security.provider.5=com.certicom.ecc.jcae.Certicom security.provider.13=com.certicom.jsse.provider.CerticomJSSE

Then add the new file to your running arguments:

/sterling/b2bi/install/jdk/bin/java -jar lwqww-211.jar -prop

P.S.: Also Please comment the old target1 property (Kept for backward compatibility)

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much , this time it crossed that error from console log file. but still have the issue. As you mentioned I commented out target1 and this time started with Oracle JDK,here is the command I used /sbi/softwares/oraclejdk/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java -jar lwqww-211.jar -prop

somurssr commented 3 years ago

I am attaching the complete console log of the above command. could you please look and let me know this time where it went wrong. [LWQWWCommandLog.txt](

somurssr commented 3 years ago

What I see is initial HTTP logon is success with "200", after getting secure token it is failing with noid checkHTTPStatus: false null

mbabari commented 3 years ago

Can you please try with IBM JDK with modified providers. Also what version of SFG are you using?Tx

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Hi, we are on 6010001, I tried with SFG JDK still getting the same issue which is after getting secure token somehow it is getting null. Here is the command I executed with the copied file . Please help me to overcome this issue /sterling/b2bi/install/jdk/bin/java -jar lwqww-211.jar -prop

Attached complete console log [SFG_JDK_LWQWWCommandLog.txt](

mbabari commented 3 years ago

I haven't had the chance to test LWQWW with 6.1 yet. I asked the community if anyone has done this before. I will let you know.

Alternatively, you can use the GETALLQUEUEDEPTH OPS command described here:

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Thank you, yeah I looked at that but this LWQWW utility helps us to get a nice log that we want to inject it to splunk and we want to get insights of what happened if we see production issues.

My production is still on, in couple of weeks that will be upgraded so let me test on Prod and get back to you as well

somurssr commented 3 years ago

One thing I would like to update, the same jdk and same jar is working for windows based Sterling integrator server and not working for Linux server

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Could you please test again linux system, I am not able to understand why it is working for windows based sterling integrator and not why to Linux-Sterlin integrator.. I dont have any other environments to test.

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Hi, it would be great if you can commit the code as well it really helps as a community to enhance it. I am seeing issue with Sterling running on linux only..I have couple of windows sterling servers for that it is connecting with out an issue.

mbabari commented 3 years ago

My colleagues have tested LWQWW successfully on SI V 6.1 on Linux with IBM JDK 1.8.

somurssr commented 3 years ago

Interesting, at my end the same jar was working only with windows based Sterling Integrator servers and the same jar is not collecting data when I try to connect to Linux sterling integrator. Is there any way you can commit the code or they have latest jar?

mbabari commented 3 years ago

We tested with the latest version. I don't have the green light yet to open source the tools code.