mbk / tcb

Trusted cloud broker
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Trusted cloud broker

The Trusted Cloud Broker (TCB) enables storing data securely in a variety of clouds, by keeping the encryption keys separated from the data storage.

Primary use case: provide an easy way to store data safe from prying eyes in the cloud with a minimal local setup

Think of it as a /key-file/ store, to a cloud, secured.

Why written in Go? Well, it basically runs on any platform, from ARM to x64, all major OSes.

TCB 101

store data to TCB -> TCB encrypts, compresses, mangles filename -> TCB stores keys and metadata locally in store -> TCB uploads data to cloud of choice.

So, you would run a metadata store locally. Net result: data stored in public clouds, not accessible unless people come knocking at YOUR door, requiring the metadata. An additional benefit is that querying for just metadata doesn't require hitting the object store, with all latencies etc.

The interface is a simple web server with a REST interface, see URLS specified below.


Install Go.

go get github.com/mbk/tcb/

Copy the tcb-sample.ini to tcb.ini

go build github.com/mbk/tcb/

./tcb (from the direcory where it was built by Go, depending on your environment)

Data will be stored in /tmp, metadata store is memory backed

Cloud back ends

Backends that are supported out of the box:

The metadata stores are pluggable as well:

Command line flags

-usessl Runs with https.

-port Runs on another port than the default 8080

-config The location and name of the config file, defaults to ./tcb.ini


Here are the URLs to post to, and you will see the various shell scripts testing this against an instance running on localhost. The few shell scripts will give an idea of how you can do, and what.

Then there is the option to add key/value pairs to stored data:

So how is the data secured?

So in the cloud there is just a data "BLOB" with a name like aaa-111-2222-sde32


License: BSDv3.

Funding: welcome.