mbolotov / intellij-cypress

IntelliJ-Cypress plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/13819-intellij-cypress Pro version: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/13987-cypress-support-pro
MIT License
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No option to create Cypress configurations from Tests in WebStorm (Pro Only) #81

Closed aetherealtech closed 1 year ago

aetherealtech commented 2 years ago

In the free version of the plugin, a test that has no existing configurations provides a menu when the green "play" button is pressed to select Jest or Cypress. When I upgraded to Pro, this menu disappeared and Jest is always selected when running a test. Downgrading back to the free plugin fixes the problem.

mbolotov commented 2 years ago

Hi Dan, The Pro version analysis the Cypress configuration file to check if a test file can be accepted by Cypress. If not, the plugin does not show the green icons. Are you sure your test file is under the integrationFolder folder (or componentFolder in case of a component test) as it configured by the cypress.json?

aetherealtech commented 2 years ago

The test is under cypress/integration, which is where the cypress install placed the example tests. There was nothing in cypress.json that specifies folders. Adding integrationFolder and setting it to this default location fixed the problem (the test play button now uses the Cypress plugin).

Note that this is neither inserted by cypress when it is installed and the cypress.json is created, nor is it necessary for Cypress itself (it looks in cypress/integration by default).

mbolotov commented 2 years ago

Hmm, this is very strange. I'm almost every day use the plugin in projects with an empty cypress.json and it works okay. Is it possible somehow to share your project to reproduce the problem?

mendieta commented 1 year ago

Hi @mbolotov i have the same issue with webstorm and the pro version of the plugin, with the free version it works perfectly.

mbolotov commented 1 year ago

@mendieta Could you provide any sample project to reproduce the problem?

mendieta commented 1 year ago

A simple new nextjs project (with) ts and adding cypress 10^ will have the problem. Also if cypress is 10 the runner cant use a single test or test file.

mbolotov commented 1 year ago

What version of the Cypress Pro plugin do you use?

mendieta commented 1 year ago

version 3.2

mbolotov commented 1 year ago

@mendieta could you set FINE log level for the plugin? image


After that, please reopen a project with problem, collect the log and send it to me.

Please clear all the sensitive data if you have it in the Cypress configuration files.

mbolotov commented 1 year ago

@mendieta I found a problem. Could you try this bundle with the fix: Cypress Support Pro-3.2.1-EAP.zip

mbolotov commented 1 year ago

should be fixed in 3.2.2

ufo22940268 commented 1 year ago

Same issue for me.

I am running the plugin of the latest version 3.3.1. And using the cypress 10 which the configuration file is in typescript and not in json format. So does this plugin support the typescript config file yet? like cypress.config.ts

mbolotov commented 1 year ago

Hello Chao! Please create a separate issue for you problem and provide the details. Especially:

  1. your OS
  2. any errors the IDE shows after your change (and save) the cypress configuration file
  3. the configuration file content (if possible)
  4. any other details that you consider suspicious
mbolotov commented 1 year ago

and answering the question: yes, the plugin do support typescript config files