mcanouil / eggla

Early Growth Genetics Longitudinal Analysis.
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Title of residual plots in run_eggla_lmm() #102

Closed burrowsk closed 1 year ago

burrowsk commented 1 year ago

Bug description

The title of the residual plots output from run_eggla_lmm() is fixed at "Cubic Splines (Random Linear Splines) - BMI - [sex]"; which I understand is the default model complexity for the parameter complexity. However, if running more complex random effects the title is no longer correct. Could the model title be removed? perhaps just the sex should remain?

[lines 245-256]

   p_model_residuals <- plot_residuals(
        x = x_variable,
        y = y_variable,
        fit = results
      ) +
          title = sprintf(
            "Cubic Splines (Random Linear Splines) - BMI - %s",
            c("0" = "Male", "1" = "Female")[as.character(isex)]
          tag_levels = "A"

eggla version output

eggla 0.18.5
