This addresses #6, on the assumption that the container host system has a mail forwarder listening on port 25 and willing to forward mail for the docker network.
enable smtp
forward mail to the enclosing system's SMTP server
correct errors in the GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL and GF_SERVER_DOMAIN setting, which messed up links in sign-up messages (and probably in password-recovery emails as well)
add ability to override logging settings from TTN_DASHBOARD_GRAFANA_LOG_MODE and TTN_DASHBOARD_GRAFANA__LOG_LEVEL variables
For this to work, I changed my host's /etc/postfix/ to add the following:
This addresses #6, on the assumption that the container host system has a mail forwarder listening on port 25 and willing to forward mail for the docker network.
setting, which messed up links in sign-up messages (and probably in password-recovery emails as well)TTN_DASHBOARD_GRAFANA_LOG_MODE
variablesFor this to work, I changed my host's
to add the following:Where
is the docker private network used for the docker-compose app on my machine.