mcschroeder / thesis

Durability and Contention in Software Transactional Memory
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Upstream GHC changes #1

Open cstrahan opened 8 years ago

cstrahan commented 8 years ago


I was curious if you were planning to submit a patch upstream for the GHC changes. I saw the following thread on the mailing list, but I don't know if there was ever a ticket opened:

Either way, very interesting work :).

mcschroeder commented 8 years ago


Yeah, I did plan to get my STM extension into GHC, but I got distracted by other things and never submitted a patch, and then life happened, and I never really got back to it... So it goes.

But: your interest kind of sparked my interest again, and I may have some time in the near future to actually submit a patch and go through the review process. It might yet happen!

So, thanks for your interest, I guess! :)

PS: If you have any interesting applications of any of the stuff from my thesis, I’d love to hear about them!

cstrahan commented 8 years ago

Awesome :).

Coincidentally, there was a post on the Haskell subreddit asking for something like this, shortly after I opened this issue:

whitehead1415 commented 8 years ago

I would definitely use this for the app that I am currently working on. I'm making a (potentially distributed) event sourced backend, that works a lot like akka persitence.

I was going to do some testing between using plain MVars and stm-io-hooks, but now I would like to test your finalizers vs MVars. Especially with the work you did to reduce contention!

mcschroeder commented 8 years ago

I've gone ahead and submitted my patch. Here's the trac ticket: