mdcg / genghiskhan

:shipit: A TCP and UDP port scanner written in Go.
MIT License
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Add support for IPv4 and CIDR IP ranges and other features #1

Open bawzz234 opened 3 years ago

bawzz234 commented 3 years ago


Thanks for creating this app. I was actually looking for a GOlang's port scanner. Simply because of its excellent performance on threads and accuracy. And the speed is incomparable to other languages.

It would be very useful if you could add these features:

So the command may look like this for IPv4 Ranges: scanner.exe -threads=100 -protocol=tcp -host= -ports=8080,80,443 and if CIDR used: scanner.exe -threads=500 -protocol=tcp -host= -ports=8080,80,443 if both type of ranges is not possible to add then IPv4 is most preferable.

Hope you could add this features. There are lots of other port scanners from different languages, but rarely on golang. These features will surely bring this go app to the top.

Best Regards

mdcg commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I have analyzed your requests and they are very relevant. I will implement them soon!