(mpi) /home/***/repos/adflow/tests/reg_tests/test_adjoint.py:TestCmplxStep_4_Rotating_wing.cmplx_test_aero_dvs ... FAIL (00:00:0.19, 269 MB)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/***/repos/adflow/tests/reg_tests/test_adjoint.py", line 317, in setUp
File "/home/***/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/lib/python3.9/site-packages/baseclasses/problems/pyAero_problem.py", line 594, in addDV
raise Error(
| Error: The DV 'P' could not be added. Potential DVs MUST be specified when |
| the aeroProblem class is created. For example, if you want alpha as a design |
| variable (...,alpha=value, ...) must be given. The list of possible DVs are: |
| {'xRef', 'mach', 'areaRef', 'zRef', 'yRef', 'beta', 'T', 'chordRef', |
| 'alpha'}. |
This is because for the wing rotating problem, "P", is not included when the aeroproblem is created, and thus it will fail when added as a DV. The real tests work since there is an if check for the rotating wing, which then uses a different list, see here, but its missing for complex tests.
ADflow regression tests are failing during nightly integration tests due to recent changes in baseclasses https://github.com/mdolab/baseclasses/pull/93
This is because for the wing rotating problem, "P", is not included when the aeroproblem is created, and thus it will fail when added as a DV. The real tests work since there is an if check for the rotating wing, which then uses a different list, see here, but its missing for complex tests.