I found three records in the database that appear to have dpup but not dpdown recorded for them and another that has dpdown but not dpup. I guess I'm not sure that these are incorrect but, from what I can tell, it does seem like these should all have four DPad buttons. I thought that it would be worth mentioning them in case these are mistakes.
I found three records in the database that appear to have dpup but not dpdown recorded for them and another that has dpdown but not dpup. I guess I'm not sure that these are incorrect but, from what I can tell, it does seem like these should all have four DPad buttons. I thought that it would be worth mentioning them in case these are mistakes.
The following may be missing dpdown:
The following may be missing dpup:
There are no similar instances for dpleft and dpright, for the record. I apologize if this issue is erroneous.