Open eyalzek opened 8 years ago
Would it be possible to turn this into an attribute? I can make a PR if necessary...
@eyalzek What would that fix?
Here is an example from the docker
and to install with options (from
docker_installation_package 'default' do
version '1.8.3'
action :create
package_options %q|--force-yes -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-all'| # if Ubuntu for example
@eyalzek Thanks, I am aware how package options work :) My question remains: Why would you want to change those options and what would you fix by changing them?
Huh sorry, misread your question :)
It'll give me the option to pass -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold'
which will prevent the error described in my first message.
I am in mind to do the following on all my nodes anyway:
file '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99conf-default' do
action :create
content <<-EOS
Dpkg::Options {
In which case, the changes to this cookbook won't be necessary for me (but I still believe it's good to have the option to customize these parameters).
This seems like an issue with the java cookbook not setting up the Java package properly. Installing the mesos package should not pull oracle-java8-set-default as it is supposed to be installed by the aforementioned cookbook.
Since the file
exists before the installation,apt-get
is prompting for replacing the file:I don't know why it started happening all of a sudden, but currently to bypass it I have to:
before calling
include_recipe 'mesos::master'