me-no-dev / AsyncTCP

Async TCP Library for ESP32
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Help to interpretet "[E][AsyncTCP.cpp:729] connect(): error: -16 " #119

Closed lgLindstrom closed 3 years ago

lgLindstrom commented 3 years ago


I am using AsyncMqttClient wich is using AsyncTCP. When AsyncMqttClient tries to connect to a Mqtt Broker I get this message from AsyncTCP.

[E][AsyncTCP.cpp:729] connect(): error: -16

I have found no way to understand what error: -16 means.

My application is a VsCode/PlatformIO Arduino based project. The Mqtt Broker is working nicely,,, i.e I can connect to it from other clients. Wifi is properly setup in my application i.e the application can do other stuff over Wifi .

My development board is DevkitC from Espressif.

Can anyone give some help here :)

BlueAndi commented 3 years ago

I guess:

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

[STALE_SET] This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed in 14 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

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razdavidovich commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue, has anyone figured this out ?

HamzaHajeir commented 2 years ago

Hi there, I've found that I've passed an empty url to connect(). Also, if you're trying to pass an IP Address as text, the library doesn't support that. checkout