mechmotum / ideas

Research ideas for the TU Delft Bicycle Laboratorium
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Simple Extensions to the Whipple-Carvallo Bicycle Model for Better Prediction #21

Open moorepants opened 4 years ago

moorepants commented 4 years ago


Accurate time series of steer torque and a variety of kinematics of bicyclists performing closed loop maneuvers and perturbation recovery are available here:

We showed that the linear Whipple-Carvallo model was not an ideal predictor of the plant model in [Moore2012] and [Moore2013]. In these papers we identified 4th order plant models that provided better explanatory power, but the best plant model was a black box. It is likely that a simple extension or some simple extensions to the Whipple-Carvallo model could provide first principles explanations of the definciencies in the Whipple-Carvallo model. Ideally this new model would stay 4th order, because the black box 4th order model is predictive. Some things that could be investigated:

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