mediamonks / frontend-coding-standards

Media.Monks - Frontend Coding Standards
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Hexadecimal number formatting #104

Open markknol opened 8 months ago

markknol commented 8 months ago

When I write a nice color in code like 0xFF0000, prettier converts this to 0xff_00_00. This is inconvenient because you can't copy this value back to photoshop or somewhere else which accepts hexadecimal colors. Can we turn this off?

ThaNarie commented 8 months ago

Prettier only lowercases them, it doesn't add numeric separators;

ThaNarie commented 8 months ago

It's likely it's from the numeric-separators-style eslint rule instead:

It can be turned of for hexadecimal by setting onlyIfContainsSeparator: true in that config object, while leaving it enabled for other number types.

leroykorterink commented 8 months ago

On it 😄