meisei4 / yakuzaishi

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Update: everything below is bogus info i am now converting everything to bevy ;_;


薬剤師 is a game project built with Rust, utilizing the Amethyst game engine (

example outline

 │     - code entry point: initializes the gameworld and starts gameloop (RUST ROVER has RUN CONFIG HERE)
 ├─ command_fuffer
 │     └─
 │           - all the world mutability issues i was having gets solved here, so that i just pass all the commands to a single execute function at the start
 ├─ components
 │     └─
 │           - Defines the Vehicle component for entities in the ECS (Entity-Component-System) architecture.
 ├─ resources
 │     └─
 │           - Manages the game map resource, encapsulating the tiled Map type functionality (also conversion to tiles in amethyst)
 ├─ state
 │     └─
 │           - Contains the `on_start` function to init the game world and insert Resources (later will manage other state related functionaliy)
 ├─ systems
 │     └─
 │           - Handles the logic for Vehicle movement and control within the game world
 ├─ map_data
 │     - Contains map-related data files (png, tmx, tsx) used for generating the game world.
 ├─ sprite_data
 │     - Stores sprite sheets and individual sprite data for entities in the game.
 ├─ display_config.ron:
 │     - Configuration file defining display settings such as resolution and full-screen mode.
 └─ key_bindings:
       - Configuration files specifying the key bindings for player input and controls.

Getting Started

To get started with 薬剤師:

  1. Ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed ( recommend Rust Rover for debugging)
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. Navigate to the cloned directory and run cargo build to compile the project.
  4. Execute cargo run to launch the game.

Debug stuff

  1. Use Rust Rover and just go to and run the main loop in debug mode (right-click the play button)