melonwan / sphereHand

This project corresponds to __Self-supervised 3D hand pose estimation through training by fitting__, which is accepted in CVPR 2019.
MIT License
54 stars 4 forks source link

Looking forward to your work #2

Closed gongzaizhou closed 3 years ago

gongzaizhou commented 5 years ago

Looking forward to your work

moranli19 commented 5 years ago

CVPR2020 is coming soon. Still looking forward to your cvpr2019 code. Could you upload at least a simple version of your cvpr2019 work?

happyCodingSusan commented 4 years ago

Great paper! Looking for your codes coming!

melonwan commented 3 years ago

apologies for the delay. The paper was published right before my graduation, and I failed to publish the code before leaving the University. After that, I didn't manage to buy a PC and clean the code to publish. Sorry for the procrastination. I'll buy the PC and publish the code this summer.