merlos / iOS-Open-GPX-Tracker

GPS Tracker app for iOS + WatchOS. Log your tracks without limits and share them; Open source GPX tracker app written in Swift
GNU General Public License v3.0
584 stars 147 forks source link
gpx gpx-files ios ios-app ios-swift iphone offline-maps osm xcode

Open GPX Tracker for iOS + WatchOS

Available on the app store

Open GPX Tracker is a GPS logger for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) with offline map cache support. Track your location, add waypoints and send your logs by email as GPX files.

This app has no annoying time restrictions, no ads and no in-app-purchases. You can create unlimited GPX traces :).

If you are goint to track without Internet... don't worry! Before you go offline, browse the area where you'll be tracking and it will be cached and available offline.

We care about your privacy, all the data recorded using the application is kept in your phone (or in your iCloud), wherever you store it. The app does not share any GPS data with us or any other 3rd pary. For more information see the Privacy Policy

Requires iOS 11.0 or above. Open GPX tracker is an open source app.

GPS Tracker logs

You can use Open GPX tracker for:

Main Features

Apple Watch Features (since 1.6.0)


The app is available on the App Store, available since May 2015.

Another option to install the app is to download the source code and compile it by yourself using Xcode and the iOS simulator. If you want to run it on a iOS device, you also need an Apple developer account.

Translate Open GPX Tracker

Open GPX tracker supports language translations (since 1.7.0). See list of supported languages and how to translate the app into your language.


This application is written in Swift. To download the code run this command in a console:

 git clone

Then, to test it open the file OpenGpxTracker.xcworkspace with XCode.

Although the application uses some Cocoapods, all the pods are already included in our repo. So no need to run pod install.

Please note the limitations of using Open Street Maps Tile Servers

Add a custom tile server

Adding a tile server is easy, just edit the file GPXTileServer.swift, uncomment the lines with AnotherMap and modify the templateUrl to point to the new tile server.

You have a list of tile servers in Open Street Map Wiki

Reference documentation

The application is being documented using jazzy and following NSHipster tutorial on swift documentation.

Documentation Status

Read Source code documentation


You can contribute by forking and submitting a pull request (PR).

Some conditions for a PR to be accepted:

1) Text displayed in the application shall be internationalized.

2) You need to install swiftlint and ensure you're not introducing additional lint warnings.

3) You need to document the classes and methods that you create explaining what do they do from a blackbox perspective. We use jazzy for the documentation. To install jazzy run:

    gem install jazzy
Then, to view the documentation run 
**Note that it will generate the documents in the `../gh-pages/docs`.**

PR License Note that though the source code is licensed under GPL 3.0 by submitting a pull request you are also providing me (Juan M. Merlos) the rights to distribute those changes on the binary app published on the App Store (which is released under Apple's Standard License Agreement)

GPL License

Open GPX Tracker app for iOS. Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Juan M. Merlos (@merlos) & Contributors

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Please note that this source code was released under the GPL license. So any change on the code shall be made publicly available and distributed under the GPL license (this does not apply to the pods included in the project which have their own license).

This app uses:

Entry on the Open Street Maps Wiki

See also: