meshtastic / firmware

Meshtastic device firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug]: Odd behavior of GPS #4067

Closed GPSFan closed 3 months ago

GPSFan commented 3 months ago





Firmware Version

Latest master


With the GPS Update interval set to 10, it appears as though the GPS is cycled every second. This commit is responsible: Reverting it results in "normal" GPS behavior, i.e. the GPS is cycled every 10 seconds.

Attached serial logs shows the effect. I have only noticed this recently on my Chatter 2 device (ESP32 with 1262 Lora and M8N GPS. Each of the attached serial logs are with the same Position Settings in Radio Configuration.

Relevant log output

Current master:

INFO  | 02:57:14 14 From Radio onread
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] GPS Lock took 15, average 11
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] publishing pos@66666b8c:2, hasVal=1, Sats=8, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] New GPS pos@66666b8c:3 lat=38.898273, lon=-107.574069, alt=1915, pdop=1.52, trac8
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@66666b8c, time=1717988235, lat=388982728, lon=-1075740688, al5
INFO  | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@66666b8c, time=1717988235, latI=388982728, lonI=-1075745
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388982728, longitude=-1075740688, time=171798826
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] Node status update: 2 online, 4 total
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] GPS Lock took 15, average 12
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] publishing pos@66666b8c:2, hasVal=1, Sats=8, GPSlock=1
ERROR | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] BUG: Positional timestamp unchanged from prev solution
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] New GPS pos@66666b8c:3 lat=38.898273, lon=-107.574069, alt=1917, pdop=1.52, trac8
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@66666b8c, time=1717988235, lat=388982728, lon=-1075740688, al7
INFO  | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@66666b8c, time=1717988235, latI=388982728, lonI=-1075747
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388982728, longitude=-1075740688, time=171798826
DEBUG | 02:57:15 15 [GPS] Node status update: 2 online, 4 total
DEBUG | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] GPS Lock took 16, average 12
DEBUG | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] publishing pos@66666b8d:2, hasVal=1, Sats=9, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] New GPS pos@66666b8d:3 lat=38.898270, lon=-107.574074, alt=1916, pdop=1.29, trac9
DEBUG | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@66666b8d, time=1717988236, lat=388982698, lon=-1075740736, al6
INFO  | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@66666b8d, time=1717988236, latI=388982698, lonI=-1075746
DEBUG | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388982698, longitude=-1075740736, time=171798827
DEBUG | 02:57:16 16 [GPS] Node status update: 2 online, 4 total
DEBUG | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] GPS Lock took 17, average 12
DEBUG | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] publishing pos@66666b8e:2, hasVal=1, Sats=9, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] New GPS pos@66666b8e:3 lat=38.898270, lon=-107.574079, alt=1916, pdop=1.29, trac9
DEBUG | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@66666b8e, time=1717988237, lat=388982703, lon=-1075740790, al6
INFO  | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@66666b8e, time=1717988237, latI=388982703, lonI=-1075746
DEBUG | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388982703, longitude=-1075740790, time=171798828
DEBUG | 02:57:17 17 [GPS] Node status update: 2 online, 4 total

Commit reverted:

INFO  | 12:33:41 634 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6666f2a6, time=1718022821, latI=388982206, lonI=-1075740540, alt=1909
DEBUG | 12:33:41 634 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388982206, longitude=-1075740540, time=1718022821, timestamp=17182
DEBUG | 12:33:41 634 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 4 total
DEBUG | 12:33:50 643 [Power] Battery: usbPower=1, isCharging=1, batMv=5083, batPct=100
DEBUG | 12:33:51 644 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 12:33:51 644 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] GPS Lock took 0, average 0
DEBUG | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] publishing pos@6666f2b1:2, hasVal=1, Sats=12, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] New GPS pos@6666f2b1:3 lat=38.898205, lon=-107.574055, alt=1907, pdop=1.21, track=290.38, speed=0.2
DEBUG | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@6666f2b1, time=1718022832, lat=388982050, lon=-1075740546, alt=1907
INFO  | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6666f2b1, time=1718022832, latI=388982050, lonI=-1075740546, alt=1907
DEBUG | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388982050, longitude=-1075740546, time=1718022832, timestamp=17183
DEBUG | 12:33:52 645 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 4 total
INFO  | 12:33:54 647 [DeviceTelemetryModule] (Sending): air_util_tx=0.000000, channel_utilization=0.000000, battery_level=1017
DEBUG | 12:33:54 647 [DeviceTelemetryModule] updateTelemetry LOCAL
DEBUG | 12:33:54 647 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Node status update: 1 online, 4 total
INFO  | 12:33:54 647 [DeviceTelemetryModule] Sending packet to phone
INFO  | 12:33:54 647 Telling client we have new packets 27
INFO  | 12:33:54 647 BLE notify fromNum
INFO  | 12:33:54 647 From Radio onread
INFO  | 12:33:54 647 getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_PACKETS
DEBUG | 12:33:54 647 phone downloaded packet (id=0x79deac9d fr=0x48 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=67 rxtime=171)
DEBUG | 12:33:54 647 encoding toPhone packet to phone variant=2, 49 bytes
INFO  | 12:33:54 647 From Radio onread
DEBUG | 12:34:02 655 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 12:34:02 655 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] GPS Lock took 0, average 0
DEBUG | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] publishing pos@6666f2bc:2, hasVal=1, Sats=12, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] New GPS pos@6666f2bc:3 lat=38.898193, lon=-107.574085, alt=1910, pdop=1.21, track=290.38, speed=0.2
DEBUG | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@6666f2bc, time=1718022843, lat=388981930, lon=-1075740853, alt=1910
INFO  | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6666f2bc, time=1718022843, latI=388981930, lonI=-1075740853, alt=1910
DEBUG | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388981930, longitude=-1075740853, time=1718022843, timestamp=17184
DEBUG | 12:34:03 656 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 4 total
DEBUG | 12:34:10 663 [Power] Battery: usbPower=1, isCharging=1, batMv=5089, batPct=100
DEBUG | 12:34:13 666 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 12:34:13 666 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] GPS Lock took 0, average 0
DEBUG | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] publishing pos@6666f2c7:2, hasVal=1, Sats=12, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] New GPS pos@6666f2c7:3 lat=38.898205, lon=-107.574084, alt=1910, pdop=1.02, track=290.38, speed=0.2
DEBUG | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@6666f2c7, time=1718022854, lat=388982053, lon=-1075740843, alt=1910
INFO  | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6666f2c7, time=1718022854, latI=388982053, lonI=-1075740843, alt=1910
DEBUG | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388982053, longitude=-1075740843, time=1718022854, timestamp=17185
DEBUG | 12:34:14 667 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 4 total
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Sending pos@6666f2c7:6 to mesh (wantReplies=0)
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] cancelSending id=0x79deac9c, removed=0
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Sending location with precision 32
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Providing time to mesh 1718022860
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Position reply: time=1718022860, latI=388982053, lonI=-1075740843
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Update DB node 0xb2a56448, rx_time=1718022860
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] handleReceived(LOCAL) (id=0x79deac9e fr=0x48 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnu)
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] No modules interested in portnum=3, src=LOCAL
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] localSend to channel 0
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Add packet record (id=0x79deac9e fr=0x48 to=0xff, WantAck=0, HopLim=3 Ch=0x0 Portnum=3 )
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Expanding short PSK #1
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] Using AES128 key!
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] ESP32 crypt fr=b2a56448, num=79deac9e, numBytes=36!
WARN  | 12:34:20 673 [PositionModule] send - lora tx disable because RegionCode_Unset
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 Telling client we have new packets 28
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 BLE notify fromNum
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 From Radio onread
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_PACKETS
DEBUG | 12:34:20 673 encoding toPhone packet to phone variant=11, 14 bytes
INFO  | 12:34:20 673 From Radio onread
DEBUG | 12:34:24 677 [GPS] WANT GPS=1
INFO  | 12:34:24 677 [GPS] Setting GPS power=1
DEBUG | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] WANT GPS=0
DEBUG | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] GPS Lock took 0, average 0
DEBUG | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] publishing pos@6666f2d2:2, hasVal=1, Sats=12, GPSlock=1
DEBUG | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] New GPS pos@6666f2d2:3 lat=38.898180, lon=-107.574094, alt=1910, pdop=1.02, track=290.38, speed=0.2
DEBUG | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] onGPSChanged() pos@6666f2d2, time=1718022865, lat=388981801, lon=-1075740940, alt=1910
INFO  | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] updatePosition LOCAL pos@6666f2d2, time=1718022865, latI=388981801, lonI=-1075740940, alt=1910
DEBUG | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] Setting local position: latitude=388981801, longitude=-1075740940, time=1718022865, timestamp=17186
DEBUG | 12:34:25 678 [GPS] Node status update: 1 online, 4 total
DEBUG | 12:34:30 683 [Power] Battery: usbPower=1, isCharging=1, batMv=5092, batPct=100
todd-herbert commented 3 months ago

I think I did see this come up the other day on my T-Beam V1.2. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I erased the flash and it seemed to go away. I didn't think anything more of it at the time..

I'll go see if I can reproduce this with the 10 second update interval