Would be great to embed this steps into scheduler in single action.
CLI changes:
add `broker restart <broker-expr>` command
command will send HTTP POST request to HTTP API, HTTP server will stop then start
each broker (one by one, sequentially, proceed to next only when previous restarted),
when timeout occurs process stops and returns JSON describing status "timeout" and
message "broker $id timeout on <stop|start>".
usage example:
./kafka-mesos.sh broker update 0..9 --options file:server.properties
NOTE: allow ability to update running broker (currently only stopped broker can be udpated)
./kafka-mesos.sh broker restart 0..9 --timeout 2m
restarted brokers:
...same output as for list of brokers
timeout output will be:
./kafka-mesos.sh broker restart 0..9
Error: broker 0 timeout on stop
help broker restart:
./kafka-mesos.sh help broker restart
Start broker
Usage: broker start [options]
Option Description
--timeout Time to wait until broker restarts. Defaults to 2m.
cli `broker list` affected by change, because in order to communicate back to user that broker
has been modified but not restarted flag needsRestart will be added to broker model whenever
broker is modified via `broker update` cmd flag will be set to `true` (default value is `false`),
once broker stopped (task update will be received in onTaskStopped) or right before launching task
flag `modfied` will be set to `false`. Thus if broker has been udpated flag `needsRestart` will be set to
`true`, once `onTaskStopped` is called `needsRestart` will be set to `false`.
when broker `stopped`, flag `needsRestart` aren't shown to user
MOTIVATION: Rolling restart manually:
Would be great to embed this steps into scheduler in single action.
CLI changes:
./kafka-mesos.sh broker restart 0..9 --timeout 2m
restarted brokers: ...same output as for list of brokers
./kafka-mesos.sh broker restart 0..9
Error: broker 0 timeout on stop
Start broker Usage: broker start [options]
Option Description
--timeout Time to wait until broker restarts. Defaults to 2m.
./kafka-mesos.sh broker list brokers:
id: 0 active: false state: stopped (modified, needs restart)
./kafka-mesos.sh broker list brokers:
id: 0 active: true state: running (modified, needs restart) ...
{ "id": "0", ... "needsRestart": true }
HTTP API changes:
{ "status": "restarted", "brokers": [ { "id": "0", ... }... ] }
{ "status": "timeout", "message": "broker $id timeout on [start|stop]" }
Scheduler changes:
RESULT: easy way to restart brokers (fixes #165)