mesqueeb / is-what

JS type check (TypeScript supported) functions like `isPlainObject() isArray()` etc. A simple & small integration.
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[Discussion] Consider using stricter brand checks than just Symbol.toStringTag? #70

Open jcbhmr opened 1 year ago

jcbhmr commented 1 year ago

Right now if you use something like a math library that defines a Symbol class for math operations and do isSymbol() on it, there is a serious non-zero chance that it will return true! 😱

FancyMath.Symbol = class Symbol {
  constructor(expression: string, id: string) {
    // ...

  [Symbol.toStringTag] = "Symbol"

const x = new FancyMath.Symbol("x + y", "x")
//=> true

This happens because isSymbol() relies on Symbol.toStringTag via Object#toString() to "sniff" the type. There are other more robust ways for this particular type, though, and I think they should be used.


// Returns TRUE for Symbol() primitives
// Returns TRUE for Object(Symbol()) boxed primitives
// Returns TRUE for Object.create(Symbol.prototype)
// Returns TRUE for classes that extend Symbol
// Returns FALSE for the FancyMath.Symbol
// Returns TRUE for FancyMath.Symbol if it's from another realm
function isSymbol(x) {
  if (typeof x === "symbol") {
    return true
  } else if (x && typeof x === "object") {
    if (x instanceof Object) {
      // Same realm object
      return x instanceof Symbol
    } else if (!Object.getPrototypeOf(x)) {
      // Null-prototype object
      return false
    } else {
      // Object that is probably cross-realm
      return, -1) === "Symbol"
  } else {
    return false

Or, you could get fancier and do a branch check on the .description getter! If it throws, it's not a symbol.

// Returns TRUE for Symbol() primitives
// Returns TRUE for Object(Symbol()) boxed primitives
// Returns FALSE for Object.create(Symbol.prototype)
// Returns TRUE for classes that extend Symbol
// Returns FALSE for the FancyMath.Symbol
// Returns idk for FancyMath.Symbol if it's from another realm
function isSymbol(x) {
  try {
    Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Symbol.prototype, "description")
  } catch {
    return false
  return true
jcbhmr commented 1 year ago

My vote is to follow the existing known conventions and try to mirror the Node.js node:util isSymbol() and friends APIs and how they detect things.


In this case, for isSymbol(), that means typeof x === "symbol" instead of the current version that uses Symbol.toStringTag

jcbhmr commented 11 months ago

If you want, you can just copy-paste code from