metadriverse / scenarionet

ScenarioNet: Scalable Traffic Scenario Management System for Autonomous Driving
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How to simulate using custom strategies #46

Open CarlDegio opened 7 months ago

CarlDegio commented 7 months ago

I'm using this to replay nuplan dataset. And I wander how to input a user built policy and simulate it like nuplan dev toolkit.

More precisely, I want to input a specific planned trajectory, then all vehicles simulated one step (either through control or direct displacement), and then input a new plan. But now I find that nuplan can only be replayed in simulation by ReplayEgoCarPolicy. The steering wheel commands I input will not be executed, and I can't find how to input the desired trajectory like nuplan input.

QuanyiLi commented 7 months ago

You can develop a new policy like EnvInputPolicy, which allows you to access the external input from env.step(). This new policy can have a dict action space or just a box action space. Supposing you are building a box action space, you can make the shape of this space = num_of_vehicles_to_control * 2. Then the action from env.step(action) could be the actions for multiple agents.

I have a working-in-progress version about the policy interface of MetaDrive: You can look into it to see if there are anything helpful

CarlDegio commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your development, I will check this.

abastola0 commented 2 months ago

You can develop a new policy like EnvInputPolicy, which allows you to access the external input from env.step(). This new policy can have a dict action space or just a box action space. Supposing you are building a box action space, you can make the shape of this space = num_of_vehicles_to_control * 2. Then the action from env.step(action) could be the actions for multiple agents.

I have a working-in-progress version about the policy interface of MetaDrive: You can look into it to see if there are anything helpful

Hi Quanyi. Just a followup on this. I tried developing a policy for this but I see the observation space to be (336, 1). Can you please brief out where this shape came from. I was expecting (84, 84, 3) just like other metadrive observations but i couldn't get it to work this way. I tried modifying the configuration with topdown and other similar configurations but the observation space remains the same. I tried it for Waymo dataset.

QuanyiLi commented 2 months ago

Hi Abastola,

Have you checked this page: It allows you to customize your observation and its shape. Just pass your new observation class to the config dict. Then changes will be applied accordingly.

abastola0 commented 2 months ago

Yeah I tried this approach as well. I created observation like so:

class MyObservation(BaseObservation):
    def __init__(self, config):
        super(MyObservation, self).__init__(config)
        self.rgb = ImageObservation(config, 'rgb', config['norm_pixel'])
        self.depth = ImageObservation(config, "depth", config["norm_pixel"])
        self.semantic = ImageObservation(config, "semantic", config["norm_pixel"])
        self.state = StateObservation(config)

    def observation_space(self):
        os={o: getattr(self, o).observation_space for o in ["rgb", "state", "depth", "semantic"]}
        return gym.spaces.Dict(os)

    def observe(self, vehicle):
        os={o: getattr(self, o).observe() for o in ["rgb", "state", "depth", "semantic"]}
        return os

and configuration like so:

    cfg = {
        "use_render": args.render == "3D" or args.render == "advanced",
        #"agent_observation": MyObservation,
        #"image_observation": True,
        "agent_policy": ReplayEgoCarPolicy,
        #"agent_policy": IDMPolicy,
        #"manual_control": True,
        "render_pipeline": args.render == "advanced",
        "show_interface": True,
        "reactive_traffic": True,
        "show_logo": False,
        "show_fps": False,
        "debug": True,
        "log_level": logging.CRITICAL,
        "num_scenarios": num_scenario,
        "interface_panel": [],
        "horizon": 1000,
        "vehicle_config": dict(
            lidar=dict(num_lasers=120, distance=50, num_others=4),
            lane_line_detector=dict(num_lasers=12, distance=50),
            side_detector=dict(num_lasers=160, distance=50)
        'sensors':{"rgb": (RGBCamera, *sensor_size),
                  "depth": (DepthCamera, *sensor_size),
                  "semantic": (SemanticCamera, *sensor_size)},
        "data_directory": database_path,

and finally created env like this:

    env = ScenarioEnv(cfg)

when i do env.engine.dict, i don't see sensors sensors within the namespace so am not sure if i'm missing something.

My goal here is to get all three types of sensor data as single observation.

QuanyiLi commented 2 months ago

Could you set image_observation=True in the env config?

also, please update the observe function to

    def observe(self, vehicle):
        os = {o: getattr(self, o).observe(vehicle if o=="state" else vehicle.origin) for o in ["rgb", "state", "depth", "semantic"]}
        return os

Then it should work

abastola0 commented 2 months ago

It works. Thanks!