metanorma / bipm-si-brochure

SI Brochure edition 9, semantic encoded version (WARNING: DRAFT)
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= SI Brochure edition 9, semantic encoded version (WARNING: DRAFT)

WARNING: DO NOT USE THESE FOR ANY OFFICIAL PURPOSE. These documents are under development -- the authoritative documents can be found on the[BIPM website].

image:["Publish", link=""] image:["Build", link=""]

Published components are available here:


This work item belongs to the[BIPM].

Official BIPM documents are distributed under the[Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO License].

== Purpose

This repository holds the Metanorma source markup for the semantic version of the SI Brochure (edition 9) and its components.

These components include:

Rendering formats supported include:

Each of these components can be individually published.

The composite bilingual SI Brochure is compiled as a Metanorma collection which includes all its components as individual documents.

== Fetching the document


git clone

== Installing build tools


== Building the documents

Run the following commands to build the full collection of the documents.


metanorma site generate --agree-to-terms metanorma collection collection.yml

If you wish only to generate the bilingual SI Brochure, the following will suffice. (the brochure.yml file does not compile any MEP documents)

=== Method 1: all in one

This method will generate the bilingual SI Brochure in one command.


metanorma site generate -c brochure.yml --agree-to-terms

=== Method 2: individual document generation

This method generates the English and French SI Brochures separately, and then combines them together into the bilingual version.


metanorma sources/si-brochure-en.adoc metanorma sources/si-brochure-fr.adoc mkdir -p _site/documents mv sources/si-brochure-en.xml _site/documents mv sources/si-brochure-fr.xml _site/documents metanorma collection collection.yml

=== Outputs

The following outputs will be built:

Component index:: _site/index.html Component outputs:: under _site/documents/ (HTML, PDF, MN S/P XML) Bilingual brochure:: bilingual-brochure/collection.{pdf,xml,presentation.xml}

== References

The original source files for the SI Brochure are available at:

== License

Content copyright BIPM. Other tools copyright Ribose.