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fix: parsing errors when using foreign types in rpcs #299

Closed zwiedmann-isp closed 3 years ago

zwiedmann-isp commented 3 years ago

This doesn't add support for foreign types, but does allow truss generation to complete without errors. Why?? This allows for developers to add type aliases alongside the pb.go file generated by protoc which reference the desired types.

  rpc GetAccount(Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Struct) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      get: "/accounts/me"

will still generate a handler that looks like

func (s recurlyService) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, in *pb.Empty) (*pb.Struct, error) {

Note: pb.Struct as the (technically) incorrect return type.

However, since code generation succeeded, only 1 additional line is needed for this to function correctly, and it can be added outside generated code space

type Struct = types.Struct

placed in a separate file in the same package as one's pb.go this allows the protobuf types to be referenced without a wrapper message. This is primary useful for the "WellKnownTypes" (see ref), which have special handling in protobuf, particularly in jsonpb and can't be replicated simply by copying the message into the service proto. For non-special external types, it may make more sense to simply copy the message instead of using the technique allowed here


HasAlNguyen commented 3 years ago

Hey guys - how do I get off the distribution list for all the notifications?!

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On Jul 24, 2020, at 5:07 PM, Leland Batey wrote:

 @lelandbatey approved this pull request.

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zwiedmann-isp commented 3 years ago

@HasAlNguyen Nice to see your name popup :D

You just need to unwatch the repository, see the dropdown towards the upper right of the webpage. Alternative, there might be an unsubscribe at the bottom of the emails.