metno / emep-ctm

Open Source EMEP/MSC-W model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with Ini-LandDefs #31

Closed PaulHamer closed 6 years ago

PaulHamer commented 6 years ago

I am trying to do some test runs using rv4.15 in order to try and output the photolysis rates following the recommendation from Jan in the earlier issue I raised here on the GitHub.

However, I am running into a problem when I launch the model. At the moment I suspect that I have done something stupid in the setup of my simulation. The model is complaining that during the initialisation of the land definitions, that the model did not find all of the codes:

STOP-ALL ERROR: Ini-LandDefs: didn't find all codes

I have tried various solutions but I have so far been unsuccessful . Please use my config file and the .out file to try to help diagnose the problem.

job.c7-8.644848.out.txt config_emep.nml.txt

avaldebe commented 6 years ago

I'll try to reproduce the error.

avaldebe commented 6 years ago

I run with your config namelist on stallo and got the same error. I'll try again with some the default set up for rv4_15.

avaldebe commented 6 years ago

@PaulHamer your configuration runs with the standard input, with the following modifications:

Your configuration uses a different meteorology and emissions, following are the relevant changes. I'll apply meteorology and emissions separately and see what triggers the error message.

-  DataPath(1) = '/home/phamer/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.15.OpenSource/input'
+  DataPath(1) = '../input',
-  meteo     = '/global/work/phamer/wrf_out/Oslo_1km/wrfout_d03_YYYY-MM-DD_00:00:00',
+  meteo     = '/global/work/mifapw/emep/Data/GRID/metdata_EC/YYYY/',
 ! DegreeDayFactorsFile  = 'MetDir/',
   EXP_NAME              = 'EMEPSTD',
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   INERIS_SNAP1          = F,
   INERIS_SNAP2          = F,
-  EmisDir               = '/home/phamer/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.10.OpenSource/input',
+  EmisDir               = 'DataDir/EECCA',
avaldebe commented 6 years ago

The error appears when I use your inputs

-  DataPath(1) = '/home/phamer/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.15.OpenSource/input'
+  DataPath(1) = '../input',

The sha1sum signatures of the land definition file does not correspond to the file shipped with rv4_15, you are using the file shipped with rv4_10

e3f5b7aa88614a05944b38af764e4b7e05878c12  /home/phamer/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.15.OpenSource/input/Inputs_LandDefs.csv
e3f5b7aa88614a05944b38af764e4b7e05878c12  /global/work/alvarov/OpenSource/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.10.OpenSource/input/Inputs_LandDefs.csv
d6393f6d168fac3cd4e3e0df997d754133485e52  /global/work/alvarov/OpenSource/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.15.OpenSource/input/Inputs_LandDefs.csv

Please double check that you are using the input files for rv4_15.

avaldebe commented 6 years ago

I had no problems running with rv4_15 input, WRF meteo and your emissions of the Olso area

-  GRID      = 'EECCA',
+  GRID      = 'Oslo',
   iyr_trend = 2015,
   runlabel1 = 'Base',
   runlabel2 = 'Opensource_Setup_2017',
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   DataPath(1) = '../input',
-  meteo     = '/global/work/mifapw/emep/Data/GRID/metdata_EC/YYYY/',
+  meteo     = '/global/work/phamer/wrf_out/Oslo_1km/wrfout_d03_YYYY-MM-DD_00:00:00',
 ! DegreeDayFactorsFile  = 'MetDir/',
   EXP_NAME              = 'EMEPSTD',
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   INERIS_SNAP1          = F,
   INERIS_SNAP2          = F,
-  EmisDir               = 'DataDir/EECCA',
+  EmisDir               = '/home/phamer/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.10.OpenSource/input',
   emis_inputlist(1)%name= 'EmisDir/gridPOLL', !example of ASCII type
   EMIS_OUT              = F,          ! Output emissions in separate files (memory demanding)

The full input is available at stallo:~alvarov/work/OpenSource/EMEP_MSC-W_model.rv4.15.OpenSource/phamer.

I think that this issue is solved, so I'll close it. Please re open it if the problem persists.