When using spec-tools ("0.10.5") to spec a list of values, result spec produces inconsistent results when validated against in s/valid? and s/explain.
Clojure CLI version
Minimal example:
(ns case
(:require [spec-tools.data-spec :as ds]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(def invalid-data {:cards (list 66)})
(def valid-data {:cards [66]})
(def cards
{:cards [int?]})
(defn do-stuff [data]
(if (s/valid? (ds/spec ::sp cards) data)
(println "Conforms to spec according to 'valid?'")
(println "Does not conform to spec according to 'valid?'"))
(if (s/explain-data (ds/spec ::sp cards) data)
(println "Does not conform to spec according to 'explain-data'")
(println "Conforms to spec according to 'explain-data'")))
(do-stuff invalid-data)
(do-stuff valid-data))
For some reason s/valid? and s/explain produce different result when a list is used, but same when a vector is used. When I tried to reproduce this issue with spec created directly with clojure.spec.alpha, everything was fine, so it seems the problem is with spec-tools
When using spec-tools ("0.10.5") to spec a list of values, result spec produces inconsistent results when validated against in s/valid? and s/explain.
Clojure CLI version
Minimal example:
For some reason s/valid? and s/explain produce different result when a list is used, but same when a vector is used. When I tried to reproduce this issue with spec created directly with clojure.spec.alpha, everything was fine, so it seems the problem is with spec-tools