metowolf / NeteaseCloudMusicApi

网易云音乐API,项目合并至 Meting
MIT License
198 stars 44 forks source link

null url result #2

Closed johangm90 closed 8 years ago

johangm90 commented 8 years ago

some songs return null result {"data":[{"id":1045123,"url":null,"br":0,"size":0,"md5":null,"code":404,"expi":1200,"type":null,"gain":0.0,"fee":0,"uf":null,"payed":0,"flag":0,"canExtend":false}],"code":200}

metowolf commented 8 years ago

look at, it's already 404.

metowolf commented 8 years ago

Maybe it is playlsit?

Then you should use playlist API

$result = $api->playlist('1045123');

object(stdClass)#28 (3) {
  ["playlist"] => object(stdClass)#2 (28) {
    ["subscribers"] => array(0) {
    ["subscribed"] => bool(false)
    ["creator"] => object(stdClass)#3 (24) {
      ["signature"] => string(0) ""
      ["authority"] => int(0)
      ["defaultAvatar"] => bool(true)
      ["avatarImgId"] => int(1986817511391283)
      ["province"] => int(110000)
      ["authStatus"] => int(0)
      ["followed"] => bool(false)
      ["avatarUrl"] => string(69) ""
      ["accountStatus"] => int(0)
      ["gender"] => int(0)
      ["city"] => int(110101)
      ["birthday"] => int(-2209017600000)
      ["userId"] => int(861127)
      ["userType"] => int(0)
      ["nickname"] => string(18) "血色铸就荣耀"
      ["description"] => string(0) ""
      ["detailDescription"] => string(0) ""
      ["backgroundImgId"] => int(2002210674180199)
      ["backgroundUrl"] => string(69) ""
      ["mutual"] => bool(false)
      ["expertTags"] => NULL
      ["djStatus"] => int(0)
      ["vipType"] => int(0)
      ["remarkName"] => NULL
    ["tracks"] => array(3) {
      [0] => object(stdClass)#4 (30) {
        ["name"] => string(6) "坦诚"
        ["id"] => int(31246383)
        ["pst"] => int(0)
        ["t"] => int(0)
        ["ar"] => array(1) {
          [0] => object(stdClass)#5 (2) {
            ["id"] => int(10371)
            ["name"] => string(9) "姚贝娜"
        ["alia"] => array(0) {
        ["pop"] => float(95)
        ["st"] => int(0)
        ["rt"] => NULL
        ["fee"] => int(0)
        ["v"] => int(40)
        ["crbt"] => NULL
        ["cf"] => string(0) ""
        ["al"] => object(stdClass)#6 (4) {
          ["id"] => int(3115406)
          ["name"] => string(6) "永存"
          ["pic_str"] => string(16) "7831821325258766"
          ["pic"] => int(7831821325258766)
        ["dt"] => int(298000)
        ["h"] => object(stdClass)#7 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(320000)
          ["fid"] => int(7869204720667024)
          ["size"] => int(11929768)
          ["vd"] => float(0)
        ["m"] => object(stdClass)#8 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(160000)
          ["fid"] => int(7869204720667025)
          ["size"] => int(5964969)
          ["vd"] => float(0)
        ["l"] => object(stdClass)#9 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(96000)
          ["fid"] => int(7869204720667026)
          ["size"] => int(3579049)
          ["vd"] => float(0)
        ["a"] => NULL
        ["cd"] => string(0) ""
        ["no"] => int(1)
        ["rtUrl"] => NULL
        ["ftype"] => int(0)
        ["rtUrls"] => array(0) {
        ["mst"] => int(9)
        ["cp"] => int(36024)
        ["mv"] => int(0)
        ["rtype"] => int(0)
        ["rurl"] => NULL
        ["privilege"] => object(stdClass)#10 (15) {
          ["id"] => int(31246383)
          ["fee"] => int(0)
          ["payed"] => int(0)
          ["st"] => int(0)
          ["pl"] => int(320000)
          ["dl"] => int(320000)
          ["sp"] => int(7)
          ["cp"] => int(1)
          ["subp"] => int(1)
          ["cs"] => bool(false)
          ["maxbr"] => int(999000)
          ["fl"] => int(320000)
          ["pc"] => NULL
          ["toast"] => bool(false)
          ["flag"] => int(0)
      [1] => object(stdClass)#11 (30) {
        ["name"] => string(55) "Canon (Over a Basso Ostinato)  钢琴二重奏版卡农"
        ["id"] => int(5188837)
        ["pst"] => int(0)
        ["t"] => int(0)
        ["ar"] => array(1) {
          [0] => object(stdClass)#12 (2) {
            ["id"] => int(236952)
            ["name"] => string(12) "Peerless 2x2"
        ["alia"] => array(0) {
        ["pop"] => float(100)
        ["st"] => int(1)
        ["rt"] => string(0) ""
        ["fee"] => int(0)
        ["v"] => int(136)
        ["crbt"] => NULL
        ["cf"] => string(0) ""
        ["al"] => object(stdClass)#13 (4) {
          ["id"] => int(508055)
          ["name"] => string(44) "Pachelbel's Greatest Hit: The Ultimate Canon"
          ["pic_str"] => string(16) "1773512255614659"
          ["pic"] => int(1773512255614659)
        ["dt"] => int(202657)
        ["h"] => object(stdClass)#14 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(320000)
          ["fid"] => int(5656987325004579)
          ["size"] => int(8143804)
          ["vd"] => float(1.65704)
        ["m"] => object(stdClass)#15 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(160000)
          ["fid"] => int(1247945697568835)
          ["size"] => int(4090646)
          ["vd"] => float(2.12225)
        ["l"] => object(stdClass)#16 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(96000)
          ["fid"] => int(1297423720833106)
          ["size"] => int(2468964)
          ["vd"] => float(2.03168)
        ["a"] => NULL
        ["cd"] => string(0) ""
        ["no"] => int(3)
        ["rtUrl"] => NULL
        ["ftype"] => int(0)
        ["rtUrls"] => array(0) {
        ["mst"] => int(9)
        ["cp"] => int(5003)
        ["mv"] => int(0)
        ["rtype"] => int(0)
        ["rurl"] => NULL
        ["privilege"] => object(stdClass)#17 (15) {
          ["id"] => int(5188837)
          ["fee"] => int(0)
          ["payed"] => int(0)
          ["st"] => int(0)
          ["pl"] => int(320000)
          ["dl"] => int(320000)
          ["sp"] => int(7)
          ["cp"] => int(1)
          ["subp"] => int(1)
          ["cs"] => bool(false)
          ["maxbr"] => int(320000)
          ["fl"] => int(320000)
          ["pc"] => NULL
          ["toast"] => bool(false)
          ["flag"] => int(0)
      [2] => object(stdClass)#18 (30) {
        ["name"] => string(52) "Canon of the Three Stars 现代版电子合成卡农"
        ["id"] => int(5188838)
        ["pst"] => int(0)
        ["t"] => int(0)
        ["ar"] => array(1) {
          [0] => object(stdClass)#19 (2) {
            ["id"] => int(0)
            ["name"] => string(11) "Isao Tomita"
        ["alia"] => array(0) {
        ["pop"] => float(75)
        ["st"] => int(1)
        ["rt"] => string(0) ""
        ["fee"] => int(0)
        ["v"] => int(136)
        ["crbt"] => NULL
        ["cf"] => string(0) ""
        ["al"] => object(stdClass)#20 (4) {
          ["id"] => int(508055)
          ["name"] => string(44) "Pachelbel's Greatest Hit: The Ultimate Canon"
          ["pic_str"] => string(16) "1773512255614659"
          ["pic"] => int(1773512255614659)
        ["dt"] => int(347000)
        ["h"] => object(stdClass)#21 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(320000)
          ["fid"] => int(1989016534658777)
          ["size"] => int(13921012)
          ["vd"] => float(3.13443)
        ["m"] => object(stdClass)#22 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(160000)
          ["fid"] => int(1989016534658778)
          ["size"] => int(6979233)
          ["vd"] => float(3.45436)
        ["l"] => object(stdClass)#23 (4) {
          ["br"] => int(96000)
          ["fid"] => int(1989016534658779)
          ["size"] => int(4202103)
          ["vd"] => float(3.49628)
        ["a"] => NULL
        ["cd"] => string(0) ""
        ["no"] => int(4)
        ["rtUrl"] => NULL
        ["ftype"] => int(0)
        ["rtUrls"] => array(0) {
        ["mst"] => int(9)
        ["cp"] => int(7001)
        ["mv"] => int(0)
        ["rtype"] => int(0)
        ["rurl"] => NULL
        ["privilege"] => object(stdClass)#24 (15) {
          ["id"] => int(5188838)
          ["fee"] => int(0)
          ["payed"] => int(0)
          ["st"] => int(0)
          ["pl"] => int(320000)
          ["dl"] => int(320000)
          ["sp"] => int(7)
          ["cp"] => int(1)
          ["subp"] => int(1)
          ["cs"] => bool(false)
          ["maxbr"] => int(320000)
          ["fl"] => int(320000)
          ["pc"] => NULL
          ["toast"] => bool(false)
          ["flag"] => int(0)
    ["trackIds"] => array(3) {
      [0] => object(stdClass)#25 (2) {
        ["id"] => int(31246383)
        ["v"] => int(40)
      [1] => object(stdClass)#26 (2) {
        ["id"] => int(5188837)
        ["v"] => int(136)
      [2] => object(stdClass)#27 (2) {
        ["id"] => int(5188838)
        ["v"] => int(136)
    ["cloudTrackCount"] => int(0)
    ["adType"] => int(0)
    ["trackNumberUpdateTime"] => int(1428143747912)
    ["playCount"] => int(0)
    ["trackCount"] => int(3)
    ["coverImgId"] => int(3408486047336473)
    ["trackUpdateTime"] => int(1459743927702)
    ["privacy"] => int(0)
    ["userId"] => int(861127)
    ["newImported"] => bool(false)
    ["specialType"] => int(5)
    ["createTime"] => int(1369316596884)
    ["highQuality"] => bool(false)
    ["updateTime"] => int(1428143747912)
    ["commentThreadId"] => string(14) "A_PL_0_1045123"
    ["status"] => int(0)
    ["description"] => NULL
    ["tags"] => array(0) {
    ["subscribedCount"] => int(0)
    ["name"] => string(33) "血色铸就荣耀喜欢的音乐"
    ["id"] => int(1045123)
    ["shareCount"] => int(0)
    ["commentCount"] => int(0)
  ["code"] => int(200)
  ["privileges"] => array(3) {
    [0] => object(stdClass)#29 (14) {
      ["id"] => int(31246383)
      ["fee"] => int(0)
      ["payed"] => int(0)
      ["st"] => int(0)
      ["pl"] => int(320000)
      ["dl"] => int(320000)
      ["sp"] => int(7)
      ["cp"] => int(1)
      ["subp"] => int(1)
      ["cs"] => bool(false)
      ["maxbr"] => int(999000)
      ["fl"] => int(320000)
      ["toast"] => bool(false)
      ["flag"] => int(0)
    [1] => object(stdClass)#30 (14) {
      ["id"] => int(5188837)
      ["fee"] => int(0)
      ["payed"] => int(0)
      ["st"] => int(0)
      ["pl"] => int(320000)
      ["dl"] => int(320000)
      ["sp"] => int(7)
      ["cp"] => int(1)
      ["subp"] => int(1)
      ["cs"] => bool(false)
      ["maxbr"] => int(320000)
      ["fl"] => int(320000)
      ["toast"] => bool(false)
      ["flag"] => int(0)
    [2] => object(stdClass)#31 (14) {
      ["id"] => int(5188838)
      ["fee"] => int(0)
      ["payed"] => int(0)
      ["st"] => int(0)
      ["pl"] => int(320000)
      ["dl"] => int(320000)
      ["sp"] => int(7)
      ["cp"] => int(1)
      ["subp"] => int(1)
      ["cs"] => bool(false)
      ["maxbr"] => int(320000)
      ["fl"] => int(320000)
      ["toast"] => bool(false)
      ["flag"] => int(0)

It work!

johangm90 commented 8 years ago

$result = $api->search('faded', 1, 5);


                        "name":"Alan Walker",
                "name":"Faded (Conor Maynard Cover)",
                        "name":"Conor Maynard",
                        "name":"Alan Walker",
                    "name":"Faded (Conor Maynard Cover)",
                "name":"Faded(LaRry Rong Remix)",
                        "name":"Alan Walker,LaRry Rong",
                    "name":"Alan Walker - Faded(LaRry Rong Remix)",
                "name":"Faded (Restrung)",
                        "name":"Alan Walker",
                    "name":"Faded (Restrung)",
                        "name":"DJ Ricardo",
                    "name":"Faded (英雄联盟台词版)",


$result = $api->url(36990266, 320000);



metowolf commented 8 years ago

I belive Neetease block all none chinese ip addresses. Try proxy.

    "data": [
            "id": 36990266, 
            "url": "", 
            "br": 128000, 
            "size": 3403066, 
            "md5": "e37e93fe58eac7ae44df445d2f8874f0", 
            "code": 200, 
            "expi": 1200, 
            "type": "mp3", 
            "gain": -1.93, 
            "fee": 8, 
            "uf": null, 
            "payed": 0, 
            "flag": 0, 
            "canExtend": false
    "code": 200
metowolf commented 8 years ago

Here are my post data, hope to help you.

array(2) {
  ["params"] => string(108) "WtHJsgHhDCYHATOlGd+o7x1LuVDWPXm0S90UDAbHv429KNZan0xwb8xKHS18vGdIcnrFVSHPJmV2KhARwnZQH+TPCRHNjCoeSIm+PH9fpEk="
  ["encSecKey"] => string(256) "7619ea114c8f19a15854f8e47e3ac687fcb42397e76876deb852a82f58251cc19b63189caf07eaee3414cd281a9d7d2fb05acf24717c1e4b5be23982a951ce059a155814988f617478dc29ff00f8dc02e61daba1b677d7a392a97060b5015a327cc58eccf5d57fd408536c8a21823b1d2e49f1a3275b24bff6e6a03202ccde85"
johangm90 commented 8 years ago

thank you