metriful / sensor

Sensor by Metriful | Indoor environment monitoring | Documentation and code samples
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incorrect sensor reading #36

Closed daquino94 closed 1 day ago

daquino94 commented 1 month ago


I just received the board and installed it via esphome on an esp32, where it is currently only running the script taken from the documentation. subsequently i have interfaced it to home assitant and vendo which are communicating properly. Every once in a while however there seems to be a drop or 'buffer'of data that does not allow some of it to be transmitted.

Another abnormality I have found, is the incorrect reading of the pressure sensor, as it is always around 996, but the actual pressure at the moment would be 1010~

at the moment i see that it occurs on almost all sensors except for the light sensors.

attached please find a reference sample could you please help me?


metriful commented 1 month ago


By "drop/buffer" do you mean the 0 values?

  1. Please send us some more information:

Please send your response to

  1. The pressure sensor is generally very accurate - how did you get the 1010 value?

Note that 1010 vs 996 can be explained by an altitude difference of about 120m. If you have the other sensor alongside, it would need to be a professional-grade instrument to know if there is a problem!

If you raise/lower the sensor by about 3 metres, and wait for stabilisation, you should see a detectable change of about 30Pa. Bigger altitude changes will be more obvious.
