This repository contains scripts to process two datasets, feature preparation code and implementation of algorithms from publication "Tracking Buggy Files: New Efficient Adaptive Bug Localization Algorithm". Main directory contains python code to prepare features and conduct experiments. The java-ast-extractor directory contains 4 programs enriching source code files with ast trees, utilized during feature construction. The ast trees are stored as git notes per each source file. The java 8 and apache maven are required to compile java-ast-extractor. Rest of scripts require python 3 and python 2.
author={Fejzer, Mikołaj and Narębski, Jakub and Przymus, Piotr and Stencel, Krzysztof},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
title={Tracking Buggy Files: New Efficient Adaptive Bug Localization Algorithm},
git fetch origin refs/notes/commits:refs/notes/commits
git fetch origin refs/notes/tokenized_counters:refs/notes/tokenized_counters
git fetch origin refs/notes/graph:refs/notes/graph
./ AspectJ.xml ../tracking_buggy_files_aspectj_dataset/ aspectj_base.json
./ aspectj_base.json ../tracking_buggy_files_aspectj_dataset/ > aspectj_aug.json
./ aspectj_aug.json ../tracking_buggy_files_aspectj_dataset/ > aspectj.json
./ aspectj_base.json aspectj_base_with_descriptions.json BUGZILLA_API_KEY BUGZILLA_API_URL
./ ../tracking_buggy_files_aspectj_dataset/ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj.json aspectj ../tracking_buggy_files_aspectj_dataset/
./ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj.json aspectj
Example for AspectJ project, using same data prefix as feature calculation
./ aspectj
./ aspectj
Example using data prefix eclipse_311 and eclipse 311 sources in "sources" dir. Requires compiled java-ast-extractor. Eclipse 311 sources ( can be downloaded from
./ EclipseBugRepository.xml EclipseBugRepository.json
java -jar java-ast-extractor-source-snapshot.jar sources extract.txt
./ extract.txt tokenized_extract.txt
./ EclipseBugRepository.json tokenized_extract.txt eclipse_311
./ extract.txt eclipse_311
./ EclipseBugRepository.json eclipse_311
./ EclipseBugRepository.json eclipse_311
./ extract.txt eclipse_311
./ EclipseBugRepository.json eclipse_311
./ EclipseBugRepository.json eclipse_311
After downloading each archive compute normalization and load data, using matching project file pattern - example for AspectJ:
./ aspectj.json aspectj
./ aspectj