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Test GUI in different browsers #1187

Closed bogo777 closed 10 years ago

bogo777 commented 10 years ago

For @tomesj also, please cooperate.

Play with GUI, look for problems mentioned in #1170. Other problems also. Write them here or to #1170. Please provide screenshots and browser with version. Also clear and easy as possible steps to reproduce if possible. Use latest version or odcs-test instance(mention where the problem occured)

Test in Firefox, IE, Chrome.

tomas-knap commented 10 years ago

Could be done after 28.2.

tomas-knap commented 10 years ago

Could you please test that Maria? Write down please version you have used and whether it seems to be working correctly or not. So that we can say to the examiner which browser we support correctly

kukharm commented 10 years ago

Firefox 27.0.1 1) nekdy dlouho se nacitavali icony statusu a tlacitek ff01

2) Jednou pri otevreni pipeliny ([INTLIB] Data from ) byla zobrazena jen pulka instance, pak se to neopakovalo ff02

3) Pri zmenseni (zoom out) kanvasa DPU tree panel je kratka ff03

4) BUG! Jsem pridala na kanvas "SPARQL Loader completeness" DPU pak zmacknula Save as DPU template, potom nova dpu se pridala do DPU tree ale DPU tree ztratilo svou strukturu, vsechny DPU se zacali zobrazovat na 1-m levlu. ff04 Po opacnem otevreni pipeliny DPU tree uz vypadalo normalne.

5) Kdyz filtruju podle Trace a Debug zobrazujou se take a jine statusy (nevim jestli je to bug nebo spravne chovani) ff05

Chrome 33.0.1750.117 m problemy 3)-5) jako v FF. V chrome to pracovalo trochu rychlejsi

IE 8.0.6001.19499 Strasne pomaly, neda se v tom pracovat, jen filtrace trvala mi nekolik sekund. A take:

1) vetrikalni scrollbar ie01

2) Otevrela jsem DBpediu ale ta se nenacetla v prubehu nekolika minut (stejne s ostatnimi pipelinami) ie02

3) instance tab ie03

Problemy z #1170 u me se neobjavili.

tomas-knap commented 10 years ago

@bogo777 , tohle si prosim nech na konec a koukni prosim co se da rychle (v radu hodiny, dvou) upravit. Zbytek nechame.

tomas-knap commented 10 years ago

The most important for Chrome/Firefox is:

Rest can be future work

bogo777 commented 10 years ago

Firefox,Chrome 1) s tim nic neudelame 2,3) melo by byt vyreseno novou verzi canvasu 4) nedari se mi to zreprodukovat, ani na ODCS 5) to je spravne


tomas-knap commented 10 years ago

Ok, I will close this, 4) is covered by #1261. Please try to reproduce there