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Accelerate camera Speed via Shift in camera view #59

Open AEonZR opened 14 years ago

AEonZR commented 14 years ago

extone wrote: Add a "shift" modifier to cursor while in 3d view reducing (or increasing) camera speed by 5x.

AEon wrote: Yes, when in "fly mode", using the cursor keys can be pretty slow when navigation a larger map. That's the reason I started to place the camera in XY View with Ctrl+MMB recently. An acceleration key could be convenient.

mfn commented 14 years ago

Does the mouse wheel fail in this situation?

When I right-click in 3D view and enter fly mode, the mouse wheel usually travels faster which can also be configured in the prefs.

AEonZR commented 14 years ago

True... totally forgot about the mouse wheel that is faster. Makes the Shift kinda redundant, if you can set the speed in the Prefs.

Though I am personally not much of a fan of the mouse wheel in this context, and would still use Shift+Cursor to fly more quickly.But as mentioned this is just a preference.