mfussenegger / nvim-dap

Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Setting environment variable for adapter deletes them all instead. #1088

Open FalcoGer opened 8 months ago

FalcoGer commented 8 months ago

Debug adapter definition and debug configuration

I want to use gdb as my adapter. I have the pwndbg extension installed in gdb and I would like to use it. In my ~/.gdbinit I load it with the ~ shorthand for the home directory.

However pwndbg prints ansi color sequences. To prevent that, you can configure an environment variable PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS=1.

This is my adapter:

    dap.adapters.gdb = {
        type = "executable",
        command = "/usr/local/bin/gdb",
        args = { "--interpreter", "dap" },
        options = {
            env = env,

When not setting env in options, gdb knows about all the environment variables. For example when I start a session with DAP and use REPL and type in shell echo ${HOME} it prints the correct home directory.

When I do set env in options, pwndbg does not load at all, because it can not determine the correct path from ~, presumably because ${HOME} isn't set.

Furthermore there is no documentation for what format env is supposed to be. I have tried

local env = {}
local env = {"PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS", "1"}
local env = {{"PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS", "1"}}
local env = {PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS = "1"}


local env = {"PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS=1"}

none of which seem to be setting that environment variable, that is shell echo ${PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS} in REPL does only print an empty line.

The only thing that comes up when I type shell env in REPL is this

dap> shell env

When not setting env in options I get dozens of environment variables.

My configuration

    -- local env = {"PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS=1"}
    dap.adapters.gdb = {
        type = "executable",
        command = "/usr/local/bin/gdb",
        args = { "--interpreter", "dap" },
        options = {
        --    env = env,

    -- debugee configuration
    dap.configurations.c = {
        name = "Launch",
        type = "gdb",
        request = "launch",
        program = function()
            return vim.fn.input('Path to executable: ', vim.fn.getcwd() .. '/', 'file')
        cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",
    dap.configurations.cpp = dap.configurations.c
    dap.configurations.rust = dap.configurations.c

Debug adapter version


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Configure GDB for cpp (see config above)
  2. Compile some cpp source file and set a breakpoint
  3. Run debugging session
  4. Open REPL
  5. type shell env to send that command to gdb
  6. take note of the number of envirionment variables
  7. close nvim
  8. edit the config file and add any envionment variable
  9. open cpp source file and set a breakpoint
  10. run debugging session
  11. open REPL
  12. type shell env
  13. take note that almost everything is gone, and that the variable you have tried to set is not there either.

Expected Result

Actual Result

FalcoGer commented 7 months ago


    local osEnv = {}

    for line in io.popen("set"):lines() do
        envName = line:match("^[^=]+")
        osEnv[envName] = os.getenv(envName)
    osEnv["PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS"] = "1"

    dap.adapters.gdb = {
        type = "executable",
        command = "/usr/local/bin/gdb",
        args = { "--interpreter", "dap" },
        options = {
        --    env = env,
            env = osEnv,

But that also cleared out everything.

FalcoGer commented 7 months ago

Found a workaround. After installing the posix library (sudo luarocks --lua-version=5.1 install luaposix), I can do this.

    require('posix').setenv("PWNDBG_DISABLE_COLORS", "1")
    dap.adapters.gdb = {
        type = "executable",
        command = "/usr/local/bin/gdb",
        args = { "--interpreter", "dap" },
JacobCrabill commented 2 months ago

Encountering this same issue myself. Here's my workaround:

Core config file:

-- Configure the GDB adapter to allow loading local .gdbinit files
dap.adapters.gdb = {
  type = "executable",
  command = gdb_bin,
  args = { "-i", "dap", "-iex", "set auto-load safe-path " .. vim.fn.getcwd() },
  name = 'gdb'

Project-specific config file (I use a Telescope picker that loads configurations from a dap-config.lua in the current working directory):

-- Create a .gdbinit file that sets up the desired dnvironment variables
local function setup_gdbinit(custom_env, cwd)
  local gdbinit = cwd or vim.fn.getcwd()
  gdbinit = gdbinit .. '/.gdbinit'
  local f =, 'w')
  if f ~= nil then
    print('Opened file ' .. gdbinit .. ' for storing environment')
    for key, value in pairs(custom_env) do
      f:write('set env ' .. key .. '=\"' .. value .. '\"\n')
    error("Unable to open file '" .. gdbinit .. ".gdbinit' for editing")

return {
  configurations = {
    cpp = {
        name = "My Test Executable with GDB + Custom env",
        type = 'gdb',
        request = 'launch',
        cwd = '${workspaceFolder}',
        stopOnEntry = false,
        program = function()
          -- Specify any desired environment variables
          local custom_env = {
            LD_LIBRARY_PATH = vim.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH .. ':' .. vim.env.HOME .. '/.local/lib/',
            PATH = vim.env.PATH ..  ':' .. vim.env.HOME .. '/.local/bin/',
          -- The executable to debug
          return 'build/bin/my_test'
        args = { '-a', '-b', '-o', 'foo.out' },

  adapters = {}
kirillrogovoy commented 1 month ago

Faced the same problem. Worked around it by creating a wrapper script to simply set the env:

ELS_ELIXIR_OPTS="--sname sunrise --cookie secret" exec /Users/kirillrogovoy/.cache/nvim/elixir-tools.nvim/installs/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls/tags_v0.21.1/1.16.2-26/
mfussenegger commented 1 month ago

Note that the env option on the adapter is for the adapter process itself.

To set the environment variables for your application you need to set an option in the launch configuration. Usually it is called env, but it might differ from adapter to adapter.

See for the gdb docs.

As for the removal of the adapters env variables and its format I'm inclined to keep that behavior, if it would implicitly inherit and extend the variables there wouldn't be a straightforward way to remove any. (x = nil in lua removes a key, I'd have to special case it for vim.NIL or something) But I guess it would make sense to at least add PATH, and to document and change the format to an object. This would also mirror the behavior of nvim-lint.