mhogomchungu / zuluCrypt

zuluCrypt is a front end to cryptsetup and tcplay and it allows easy management of encrypted block devices
504 stars 60 forks source link

Cryptsetup library not found #162

Closed mystinen closed 3 years ago

mystinen commented 3 years ago

Hi, I've installed zuluCrypt-6.0.0-ubuntu-20.04-Focal_Fossa.tar.xz following the steps in the README. It seems to all succeed... but launching zuluCrypt GUI gives the popup message: "Cryptsetup library could not be found and zuluCrypt will most likely not work as expected. Please recompile zuluCrypt to force it to re-discover the new library".

I braved an attempt at compiling, but step 3 of BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS fails with "Unable to locate package libgcrypt11-dev". This seems to be some now-deprecated 'transitional package' I do not know how to acquire...

Any advice appreciated to get zuluCrypt operational for mounting BitLocker volumes on Ubuntu 20.04.

[Some background: running KDE Neon 5.21/Ubuntu 20.04 [Focal]. The zuluCrypt package from the distribution is versioned 5.7.0, which fails to mount an external BitLocker drive, I think because of these issues. So I'm attempting to install a newer version of zuluCrypt to leverage its use of cryptsetup (updated to version 2.3.3) instead of dislocker for mounting the BitLocker partition.]

Thanks for the great work!

mhogomchungu commented 3 years ago

The package name should be " libgcrypt20-dev"

You are getting the warning because cryptsetup library name you are using now is different from the one that was present when zuluCrypt was build.

The warning should by harmless. After dismissing the warning, does it still fail to mount the bitlocker volume?

mystinen commented 3 years ago

Thanks @mhogomchungu, it built fine with the change of package name to libgcrypt20-dev. (I had also to make small obvious tweaks to changelog and control in 'debian'.) zuluCrypt now nicely mounts BitLocker drives!

After dismissing the warning, does it still fail to mount the bitlocker volume?

Yes, if the warning was simply dismissed it failed to mount the BitLocker volumes. I don't recall the exact error message but it was something along the lines of "One or more parameters required to...".

mhogomchungu commented 3 years ago

The git version now does not show that pop up window